Ch.10 Thoughts

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I'm left standing alone in the kitchen, an unsettling feeling of loneliness starting to creep it's way onto my skin, making the hairs on the neck of my neck stand up in a pinching feeling of agitation. While I understood Namjoon had some sort of alpha pull on the rest of the pack, I still was left feeling uneasy that  I was now here alone without Jungkook's presence to calm me and make me feel safe. I had no problem meeting the others earlier, but now that I knew Jungkook wasn't around, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

I'm not one to depend on another to feel safe, but my attack had left me feeling extra anxious and paranoid. It didn't help that what hurt me was a werewolf, which was the only other living thing in this house besides me. I knew Jungkook's pack hadn't been the ones harming others, but the thought that they could easily hurt me if they wanted still lingered in the back of my mind.

I sighed to myself, turning around to walk back to the bedroom I had woken up in. I decided that I would just wait for Jungkook to come back there. It's not like I could exactly go anywhere even if I wanted to. I didn't know where their house was located. Trying to find my own way back to my house would be stupid considering they had caught scent of the rogue out there, and I didn't feel comfortable enough to look for one of Jungkook's pack member's to ask them to drive me home. Besides, if I could make it to the bedroom then that meant I could be alone. I didn't hate being here, it just made me feel tense.

I walked forward, rounding the corner in the direction that I know I'll find the stairs when I suddenly bump into someone. My face comes into contact with a box they were carrying, making them lose grip on it, causing it to fall on my foot.

"Ah!" I scream in pain. It ends up landing on the leg that I had injured. The pain from my foot is now shooting all the way up my leg. My thigh which had previously been only sore was now giving out a slight throb. I hop and put my weight on my other foot, holding onto the wall beside me.

"Oh my gosh y/n! I'm so so sorry! I didn't realize you would be right there."

I look up to see a distressed Taehyung, who had already picked up the box that had landed on my foot. He's biting his lip, eyebrows upturned in a worried expression.

"No, no it's ok. It's not like you meant to."

Taehyung shakes his head. "Jungkook is going to kill me."

"No he won't. It's an accident, he'll understand."

Taehyung looks me in the eyes still chewing on his lip. "No you don't understand. He's not going to be very happy. I already ticked him off when I hugged you earlier."

I lean more into the wall I was using for support, trying to keep the weight off of my leg. "Could you help me sit down somewhere. I don't want to chance taking the stairs."

Taehyung immediately sets the box he was holding down upon my request. "Of course. There's a couple of couches this way. I'll help you to one of those."

He lets me sling my arm over his shoulders and helps my hobbling form into another room.

I let out a sigh of relief when I sit down on a couch. He's lead me to a sort of family room, filled with several loveseats. I look around and am surprised to see Kyonna already seated at one.

"Hurt yourself again?" She says to me. I shift uncomfortably under the stoic expression she is giving me, not exactly knowing how to respond. While her question was harmless, the tone in which she said it in made it seem like she was annoyed.

"No, it's my fault. I accidentally ran into her and dropped a box on her foot." Taehyung says, taking a seat beside me.

Kyonna scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Bad luck humans, I'm telling you."

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