Ch.17 Choice

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My muscles temporarily lock in place before I sprint towards Sehun's abused form. I choke back a sob as I collapse to my knees in front of his lull head which is hung low, his chin resting on his chest. I'm appalled by what I see when I sweep my eyes up and down his body. His clothes were ripped and soiled, the dirt from them beginning to smudge tiny streaks on his skin. My eyes scan over his down turned face, the gag in his mouth, bound so tightly around him, was beginning to crack the skin and draw blood.

I raise my now shaking hand to swipe away his bangs that were caked in sweat from his eyes. If I didn't see the shallow rise and fall of his chest I would have assumed he was dead.

"Sehun?" I whisper.

My voice seems to jar him awake as he snaps his head up with a force to look me directly in the eyes. Confusion turns to disbelief as he sees me crouched in front of him. He began to shuffle his body around grunting against his gag. I quickly reach up to pull down the piece of grimed cloth circling his face. Tears were streaming down his face as he looks down at me in front of him.

"No no no no no.." he chants, shaking his head, his face scrunched up as if he is in pain.

"Sehun, what-"

"Y/n you need to leave!" He desperately screams at me. "Please leave before she comes back." The emotion in his voice sending a shiver through my spine.

"Sehun, I need to unbind you, I can't leave you here." I protest. I go to stand up, planning to reach behind and attempt to untie his hands when the deafening sound of a door being slammed shut behind me echoes across the room.

I look down at Sehun, his once fidgeting demeanor is gone, he is now stiffly gazing at where the sound had come from, his eyes are wide reflecting fear in them as he looks at whatever had catalyzed the noise.


I turned around at the all too familiar voice. Deena is standing in front of the now closed door, adorned in a heavy and long black coat.

"Deena?" She chuckles at my demeanor, taking a few steps toward me.

"I honestly wasn't sure if you were going to show up, but lucky for me once again your naive nature is working in my favor."

Deena's almost sinister presence sparks a memory within me of Jungkook warning me to stay as far away as possible from both her and Miya. Miya.

"Wh-where's Miya?" I ask, mentally cursing at my stuttering voice.

Deena slowly clasps her hands in front of her, chin raised high in the air. "Miya is safe and also none of your concern."

I want to question her further about Miya's whereabouts until I step backwards, making contact with Sehun's body.

"You did this to Sehun, didn't you."

She continues her obnoxiously smirking laughter. "So she does have a brain." I don't miss how she is still standing in front of the door, blocking the only exit there is.

"Why are you doing this?" I plea, confusion written across my face.

She scoffs at my answer. "As if you don't know the reason." Her hardened stare bores into mine, never dwindling its power. "It's that mutt of yours that you are so fond of. This town was perfectly under my control until him and his pack of slobbering pests decided to camp out."

Her words of slander towards Jungkook and his pack anger me further. "How dare you speak of them that way. You're the one who is causing others harm, not them. They've been helping the people of this town, while you've kidnapped and seemingly tortured Sehun." This seems to strike a nerve in Deena as she swiftly walks forward to stand so close to me that I could see the way her eyes were both bloodshot, giving her an even more demonic appearance.

"You don't even know half of what is going on girl. Don't you think it's quite odd that as soon as they show up these attacks have been happening." I bite my bottom lip to try and mask any expression that may display on my face because in fact I was curious as to what she was saying, it was strange that Jungkook and his pack had conveniently showed up when the attacks had commenced, I honestly had never given it much thought.

"It isn't so much of a coincidence as it is a reaction to one of their own."

One of their own? I briefly ponder her words in my head before quickly realizing she was certainly trying to manipulate and twist my train of thought somehow.

"Why should I believe anything you say?"

Deena scoffed at my answer, baring her teeth in disgust. " If I may remind you, I had warned you of what the one you call Jungkook really was. Those mutts had not a single inkling to mention to you the truth, I was trying to protect you and everyone else, you stupid girl."

"If you were truthfully trying to protect me and everyone else, why is Sehun here tied up like this!" I yelled back, my breathing had become shaky with fury.

Deena walked even closer and with a mere flick of her hand I was pushed away from my stance in front of Sehun. Sehun gasped, gurgling noises of fear and protest leaving his mouth as I was practically flung across the room, my back harshly slamming against the closed door.

"There's no use talking in circles with you, you've already been brainwashed by them." She walked behind Sehun who had tears now streaming down his face as he sat their helpless, his breath coming out in small ragged hiccups. Deena snaked a cold hand on his shoulder, bringing the other one up to Sehun's neck to rest the blade of small black dagger on his opened and vulnerable flesh.

My eyes enlarged at the sight, I opened my mouth to protest but no words came out. Sehun was trying to crane his head back as far as possible, trying to flee the cold metal he must have felt.

Deena's voice was low and deranged, authority practically dripping of it. "Now you listen closely, for I'm only going to repeat myself once. I demand that those beasts leave this place, but I'm unable to do that myself without risking my life, which is where you come into play. I know you and him are mates,"she hissed, spitting out the word mate as though it was poisoned, "and I know of how the inner workings of werewolf mating works. You are to tell him that you never want to see him again, that there's nothing in this world you want more than to never gaze upon his face ever again."

Time stands still as she utters her command. I'm at a loss for words. I can't even fathom what she is telling me right now. Her demand is almost as crazy and insane as she looks. "Are you out of your goddamn mind? Even if I did say that to Jungkook, he would never believe me, and he would never leave my side."

Deena chuckles and presses the dagger ever so slightly into Sehun's skin causing small trails of blood to trickle down his neck. "Oh you will do this, or you will watch your friend here die."

Sehun has squinted his eyes shut at the pressure, his tears and snot have mixed together with his blood trailing down and now soaking the tip of his shirt collar.

"It'll never work, Jungkook would never believe me." I say again attempting to convey my jumble of thoughts bouncing around my head.

"That's where you are wrong...Your words hold more weight to them than you realize."

I brace myself while holding my palms flat on the wall. I feel nauseous, the taste of vomit rising in my throat. I'm caught in a trap, the two options I am to choose from are making me ill. My chest burns at the thought of leaving Jungkook...but to sacrifice the life of Sehun...

"Pull out your phone, message the mutt, you are to end things tonight by midnight, and are to report back to me. I will let Sehun free to go once you have done this, and if I catch wind of you informing the pack of my plan, I shall snuff Sehun's life out like a flame."

My chattering teeth bite my lip hard enough to draw blood. I feel suffocated, there's no way out. My hands feel as though they weigh a thousand pounds as I pull out my phone from where it is resting in my back pocket.

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