Ch.12 Morning

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My eyes burn with a forever longing to doze back to sleep as I stir myself awake. I roll over my head, falling back onto strong arms that hold onto me with a reassurance. I smile to myself at the familiarity of the situation. Ever since that day Jungkook had stayed the night after our fight about Sehun a few weeks ago, he had come back almost every evening to sleep with me. Sometimes I would fall asleep without him only to wake up in the morning, a tired sedated Jungkook by my side.

I stared at his features, his arm was flung over his head as he faced me, mouth open in a cute sleepy pout. His state of rest made him appear younger than he usually looked, his face smoothed out with a peaceful resting expression that made my heart throb.

"Like what you see?" Jungkook suddenly says, his voice scratchy, as a smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

"I didn't realize you were awake." I raise up my hand to scrape my nails against his scalp, his eyes squinting open to look at me.

He hummed at the feeling of my fingers. "My brain knew you were up so it decided to wake me."

I softly chuckled at his corny answer, moving my hand down to graze over the subtle on his jaw, the scratchy texture under my fingers a reminder that he had been out patrolling without a break for awhile.

Even though it had been close to a month since the pack had found and killed the rogue that had attacked me, one still remained. Jungkook was constantly scouting the area for the lone wolf, his days of patrol seemingly unending. Most of the time, I would fall asleep without him and wake up to a deserted bed, littered with tiny twigs and leaves, the only thing left behind to suggest his presence during the night.

He and Namjoon were the two people of the pack that would patrol more often than the others. Jungkook had informed me that he was basically Namjoon's right hand man, his speed and strength comparable to the alpha himself. It only made sense that the two would police the area more than the rest. However, it still made me worry over Jungkook's well-being. More than not, on the few occasions I would see him return from patrol before I fell asleep, darkened circles would be painted under his eyes, dirt smeared across his face and body. He would never admit to being exhausted in front of me though, always sporting a sloppy grin in my presence, assuring me to not worry over him.

I obviously could see the physical toll it was taking on him, but I knew if he began lacking with helping his pack, it would be even worse. While they had caught the scent of the other a couple times, they had never come into contact with it. I had finally pried from Namjoon (after having no luck from asking Jungkook) that the rogue's scent was frequently found lingering near the forest at the back of my house, which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. No one knew the exact reason the scent was always near me, but Namjoon had mentioned a rogue might have picked up on the scent of an unmarked mate, saying that it was not unheard of having a rogue werewolf maim one.

Every time I would try and mention this to Jungkook, he would start acting weird, trying to change the subject quickly. I assume it's due to the fact it makes him very anxious to think about someone potentially hurting me, but I wish he would at least tell me what was going on, especially if it involved me. This is the reason I would have to resort to asking Namjoon (or even Luna at times), questions concerning these subject matters.

"The pack is having a bonfire tonight. Everyone is taking a break today from patrolling to spend some time together, alpha's orders." Jungkook laughs, shifting to lean his head on the palm of his hand to get a better look at me. "I would like if you came."

My hand still lingers on his rough jaw, trailing over the sides of his face. "Of course. I haven't seen them all for awhile. Everyone's been so busy." I missed seeing everyone. Jungkook had made a great effort to make me feel comfortable and welcomed amongst them. It wasn't hard, pretty much everyone was nice to me, with the exception of Jin's mate Kyonna, but her rude behavior towards me barely phased me. She really wasn't insolent to my face anymore, Jungkook I'm sure being the cause of her newly civilized manners toward me.

I especially missed Luna and Taehyung though. Taehyung always made me feel relaxed and knew how to lighten the mood in the room while Luna was always there for me to answer my awkward and personal questions about mate things when Jungkook wasn't around. She gave me a sense of connection with another female in my life. I had not really spoken to Miya a whole lot since I had texted her after my attack to let her know I was okay. I had tried to confine in Sehun, asking if he knew how Miya was doing, considering she barely answered my phone calls or texted me back, but he was just as clueless as me.

The thought that Miya's mother Deena was a witch, according to Jungkook, always tickled at the back of my mind, making me wonder if maybe Miya had known more than she lead on. But I would always discard these thoughts, explaining to myself that maybe Miya was going through something and needed some alone time. Even though I worry about her silence, I would never want to make her feel pressured by telling me anything she wasn't comfortable with yet.

As for Sehun, he had been pretty much been normal since that day he came over. He still preferred not to talk about Jungkook when I was around but I assumed it was for the fact that he apparently had a new budding crush on me. Miya has mentioned it at the Halloween party briefly, and Sehun did weirdly start to tell me something in the kitchen that night. With all the events that had lead up to him coming over to my house, I all but forgot about him maybe having feelings for me. However, Sehun knows that I care for him, I just care for Jungkook in a different way.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook softly questions, smoothing out the lines in my forehead with the tips of his fingers.

I sigh into the warmth of his calloused hands. Jungkook's face was colored with a worried flush seeing me lost in thought. I mentally cursed myself for not controlling my facial expression. I wanted him to feel care-free when with me. The only outlet to his crazy life was times like these that we shared, alone, away from the outside world.

"I'm just thinking about tonight, about seeing everyone." I say. I technically wasn't lying, I just withheld some truth from my statement.

Jungkook's hand comes down to my cheek to caress the side of my face, the warmth from his touch leaving a trail of ghosted comforted in its wake. "I'm excited, it makes me happy seeing you so comfortable with my pack." His confession bringing the tip of his one ear I can see to a flushed pink.

I snuggled my body closer to his, pressing my face into his chest, not wanting to face the day yet, and not wanting my mind to drift back to Miya and Sehun. I had plenty of time to worry about them later. For right now, I just want to pretend that the only two things in the world are Jungkook and I together.


This update is incredibly late 😭 I'm working on getting back into the groove of writing here very shortly! To those who have stuck with this story so far I want to say a gigantic thank you!! I appreciate it soo soooo much. I am eternally greatful!

Anyways, enjoy this soft moment with jk and mc, they deserved a little break haha

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