Ch.21 Visit

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I fling the picnic basket on the floor before sprawling out on the couch utterly defeated. My stomach is still churning at the memory of Jungkook and that girl..Serene, so close together. My mending scars had been gruesomely ripped open in just a matter of seconds.

I was infuriated by the betrayal I had felt, but most of all, I was angry at myself. If I had only found a way from letting this all happen, then I wouldn't have put myself, and the people I care for most in this world, in this situation.

Sehun walks over and stands beside me, fiddling with his fingers. He had not spoken to me on the ride home. I mean, what was he even supposed to say? I was a lost cause at this point. We both knew that nothing could've been said that would have made me feel any better.

"Y/n... I'm sorry. If I had known-"

"Don't...don't say you're sorry. It's not as though you can predict the future. There was no way either of us could have known." I don't look at him as I speak, keeping my vision set forward, staring at the blank TV in front of me. I close my eyes and lean my head back onto the pillowed couch, welcoming the strain it takes away from my neck.

I hear him let out a prolonged sigh, not saying anything further on the matter.

His phone buzzes through the hushed air. I slowly peek my eyes open, looking in his direction. His eyebrows are furrowed as he looks at his phone. We make eye contact as he looks up from the screen. His mouth opens and closes as he is seemingly trying to decipher what to say to me.

"I have to run out for a bit." Ambiguity apparent in the way he spoke. I almost question why, but realize that I don't care. I feel empty. Him leaving for a while might actually benefit me. The thought of being alone gave me a feeling of comfort.

"Whatever you want." I reply, closing my eyes once again.

He doesn't respond to me. I hear his footsteps walking away, getting quiet and disappearing as the sound of the door opens and then closes.

I let out a breath, releasing all the air in my lungs. I rub my forehead, attempting to relieve the slight pressure that was beginning to settle in the front of my temples. I am so tired of feeling this way. I want it all to end; the perpetual feeling of depression was increasingly taking a toll.

I reach over to the small remote sitting beside me and click on the TV. Better to have at least something to distract me from my mind. The TV buzzes on to life, an animal documentary about wolves was playing. I scoff to myself. How ironic..

I spend what seems like an eternity scrolling mindlessly through the channels before I decide on a random sitcom to fill the silence with cheesy dialogue.

I'm finally settled in a comfortable position when a soft rap at the door diverts my attention. I roll my eyes before getting up. More than likely it was Sehun. He sometimes forgot to take his keys with him and I am the one left to open the door for him since I have yet to hide a spare key anywhere.

I open the door, a complaint ready at the tip of my tongue, but who I see before me leaves my mouth gaping open.

"Taehyung?" I gasp aloud.

His sandy hair is shifted just above his nose, it's longer than the last time I've seen him. He wears a worried expression on his face as he looks back at me.

"Long time no see." He blatantly says, although there isn't any sort of amusement behind his words.

My brain feels foggy as I shake my head at his appearance. "What are you doing here?" My palms are starting to sweat as my brain is racing to try and make any kind of sense of his arrival. Is Jungkook here too? I steal a quick glance behind Tae, but he's alone. I relax my shoulders in relief and in disappointment.

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