Ch.3 Text

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I rushed through the glass doors of the hospital, practically hyperventilating from the panic I felt upon hearing what happened to Miya. It made me physically sick to my stomach that something attacked her. I saw Sehun sitting on a couch that was seated at the entrance.


He looked up at me. His eyes were puffy and red. He had been crying. He got up and opened his arms allowing me to run into them. I clutched at his shirt and allowed the frightened tears to flood from my eyes.

"Wh-where is she? Is it bad?" My sobs were making me hiccup consistently.

Sehun stroked my hair trying to sedate my nerves.

"She's alive and stable. She's been asking for you. I'll bring you up to her."

Sehun took my hand leading me to Miya's room.

My thoughts were a muddled enigma as I walked down the white fluorescent hallways. The panic that Sehun had lessened with his presence all came rushing back as we stopped in front of a room closed off by a curtain. I was nervous and scared. I didn't know what to expect, Sehun hadn't been specific with the details of the attack. I knew she had been injured enough to put her in the hospital, but how bad I had no idea.

Sehun had begun to walk into the curtain but noticed I was rooted to the spot as his hand met resistance with mine.

He met my eyesight with a concerned expression. I took a deep breath, trying to collect myself.

I nodded Sehun forward after a few seconds. He pulled the curtain open as we entered the room. I briefly noticed Deena sitting near the window across the room, but my eyes were fixated on Miya laying in the bed. Her face was covered in small scratches and bruises. Her one arm was enclosed in a cast-like sling. She appeared to be asleep, the only sound in the room was her IV pole beeping.

Sehun squeezed my hand before I let go of it to walk over to Miya.

Deena softly spoke upon seeing my presence. "She's doing ok child. She's very tired from the morphine they gave her, but she can hear you."

I gave her an understand nod before continuing to try and awake Miya. "Hey Miya, it's me, y/n." I gently touched her shoulder which looked uninjured, barely putting any pressure on it in fear of hurting her somehow.

She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Upon seeing me she grinned slightly.

"Y/n, you came."

"Of course I came. My best friend was attacked. Of course I would come see you."

I held onto her uninjured hand and gave her a light reassuring squeeze.

"What happened exactly? Do you remember anything?"

Miya took a deep breath before responding.

"I remember bits and pieces. Sehun was in the house bringing out boxes, like you and I had done that one day. I had heard something behind the shed so I was curious and went to look." Miya closed her eyes. "When I got to the back, there was nothing there. All the sudden, an animal out of no where leapt forward and started to attack me. I think it was some kind of dog or wolf, I'm not too sure, all I could really see was teeth and fur. I couldn't even scream, I was so shot with adrenaline. I managed to push it off before I found my voice and called for Sehun. The animal jumped over the fence and escaped untouched by the time he reached me." When Miya opened her eyes again I could see they were watery.

I shook my head in disbelief. "I can't believe this. I knew wolves were around but for them to just attack like that... How are you doing?"

"I'm still alive. I broke my arm, which is why it's in this sling. And the animal left a few lacerations on my stomach but they were fairly shallow, the nurses gave me some stitches. I'm also filled with pain meds so at least right now I'm not in pain."

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