Ch.2 Coffee

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"Ok so like I told you on the phone, I've had two companies reach out wanting to work with you after reading your latest publications. This is what you need right now y/n. They plan to offer you consistent work with consistent pay. I know your preferred line of work veers toward fiction and this would encompass more of a statistical research aspect, but work is work."

My hands clasped around the now lukewarm cup of coffee, and I gave Sehun a tight lipped smile. I had agreed to meet him for a late lunch at this coffee shop to discuss some contractors who had reached out to him concerning my writing. I'm usually not picky about the influx of work that gets presented to me, but I am having a hard time trying to decide if I wanted to commit. Honestly, ever since I had met Jungkook at the park my mind hasn't been able to think of anything but him...and that was like a week ago. Making a heavy weight decision like this one had been on the back burner of my mind.

I gave a frustrated sigh. "I understand Sehun but is it worth it if I'm going to be miserable working for them?"

Sehun gave me a smirk and raised his eyebrows. "I think you need to see this email one of the companies sent to me. It's a proposal on how much they would be paying you for each project." He scooted over along the booth we were sitting at silently asking me to sit beside him to look at the email.

I ignored the fact that he could have just turned his phone around to show me the proposal and went to sit beside him.

My face dropped in a state of shock. They were going to pay me that much!?

I could barely muster a breathy laugh, shaking my head at the disbelief. I wouldn't have to work with anyone else if I took this job for a long time..

"Y/n?" A voice called.

My head quickly turned, instantly recognizing the smooth voice which called my name.

Standing there in all his glory was Jungkook.

My heart immediately started to beat faster, sweat started to coat my palms .What the hell y/n, he's literally just a boy. Get yourself together. I reasoned with myself trying to calm my breathing so I could properly answer him.

"Jungkook! Wow I didn't think I'd run into you here, small town huh" I joked.

He flashed me one of those cute grins which consequently made my cheeks start to flush pink.

"Mind if I sit down. I've heard great things about the coffee here but I had to walk a long way and I think my feet are aching" . He said glancing down at his dirt ridden boots.

"Of course, please be my guest". I nodded my head towards the booth across from me and Sehun.

Sehun cleared his throat as Jungkook sat down. He broke his gaze from Jungkook to give me a questioning one. It then dawned on me that he had no idea who Jungkook was. I never ended up telling him about the stranger I had met at the park.  Jungkook glanced toward Sehun as if he had just noticed he was there, pursuing his lips in the process.

"Oh my bad. Sehun this is Jungkook, we met a few days ago while I was at the park writing. Jungkook this is Sehun."

Jungkook held out his hand in welcome. "Hi man, nice to meet you". Sehun tentatively grasped Jungkook's hand, winching slightly as they shake.

"Oh nice to meet you. I don't think y/n has mentioned you. We were just discussing some business matters, i don't think-"

I slapped Sehun's shoulder "Oh my god Sehun don't be rude" I gasped. "Jungkook is more than welcome to spend some time with us. I'm not going to kick him out like some kind of dog." I heard Jungkook discreetly chuckle at my statement.

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