Ch.11 Sehun

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Slight 18+ warning on this chapter! Nothing too bad, but be advised!


Sehun is leaning against my front door as Jungkook pulls his car into my driveway. My hands begin to sweat from anticipation of talking to him.

As Sehun sees us arrive, he steps away from my front door, a confused look gracing his features at disrecognition of who's car it was.

I unbuckle my seatbelt when Jungkook reaches out to place his hand on my leg, preventing me from getting out. "I don't want you to be alone with him for very long." He demands. I usually find his defensive demeanor enduaring but it took me aback hearing him say this. He knew how much this moment meant to me, how personal Sehun was going to take it.

"Jungkook, Sehun's my friend. I've been around him plenty of times alone before. You can't tell me not to spend time with him. Plus I need to be by his side right now, because of Gizmo.."

Jungkook sighs shaking his head. "I understand that y/n, but something's off. I'm not sure what it is but he doesn't sit right with me." I roll my eyes at him.

"Are you really getting jealous? Now's not the time Jungkook." I can't believe he is bringing something like this up right now. He's even met Sehun before.

"No y/n I just-" he starts but is interrupted by Sehun tapping on his window, probably wondering who had pulled in and why we hadn't gotten out yet.

Jungkook narrows his eyes taking his hand off my leg to roll his window down.

Sehun widens his eyes when Jungkook's face is unreveiled but he quickly looks over to me, with a never subsiding surprise. "Y/n? I didn't realize this was you. You've been with Jungkook?"

I look at Sehun, suddenly annoyed at Jungkook's reaction. "Sorry Sehun, I was just getting out." I open the door and dramatically shut it with a force before walking over to Sehun.

"Is he going to be staying?" Sehun questions as Jungkook also gets out of the car.

"Yes." Jungkook curtly says answering the question that was suppose to be directed towards me. Now he's answering for me..

"No, he's not." I retort, crossing my arms and looking at Jungkook. He's not looking at me but instead glaring at Sehun, his eyes seemingly moving up and down his form

I can tell Sehun feels the tension coming from Jungkook and I as he moves his weight from one foot to the other. I boldly walk towards Sehun taking his hand to drag him in the house behind me.

"Y/n stop." Jungkook growls out at my action.

"Meet me in the house, I'll be in shortly." I tell Sehun, giving him my front key.

He gladly takes it, darting for the front door as I turn around to face a tense Jungkook.

"What? What's your problem? I can't believe your acting this way. You know how shaken up I've been about this exact moment. Why are you being difficult about this?" I'm trying to hush my words as I talk, not wanting Sehun to hear, but the anger I'm feeling is making it hard. I can almost feel the threat of tears behind my eyes. I can feel everything that's happened in the last couple hours since I woke up finally catching up to me.

Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose. "Y/n I know that! Obviously I know. Why can't you realize I'm just worried for you? There's something not right here. I don't know what it is or else I would tell you. But something is telling me to take you far away from this."

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