Ch.9 Truth

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Hello! It's a long chapter this time! Also thank you soooo much for 200 reads😭 I appreciate everyone that has stuck with my story this far! I have exciting things planned for the future that I hope everyone will enjoy!


Tiny streams of sunlight are hitting my face as my eyelids flutter open. I look around the room that I was laying in, having no recollection or recognition of where I was and how I had gotten here.

"Y/n?" I hear a voice softly question.

My memories of what had happened in the forest come flooding back all at once.

Gizmo. The wolf...Jungkook.

I look over to where I heard the the soft voice to find Jungkook. He is standing a foot away from the edge of the bed I was laying in, hands clasped together in a nervous stance.

I sit upright, startled at seeing his presence. He attempts to take a couple steps toward me but I quickly scoot away further into the bed to distance myself.

"Stay away! Please, don't get any closer. Don't hurt me, I promise I won't say anything." I say in a irrational, fearful rush.

His face scrunches at my words, making him look as though he's in pain. "Y/n, I won't hurt you. I would never hurt you. You don't have to be afraid of me." I stare into his eyes, not being able to look away from the hurt they portrayed in response to my frightened expression. I somehow believe him when he says he won't hurt me, but I couldn't stop replaying the scene of him tearing into the other creature.

I shake my head. "I saw you in the forest. You killed that other wolf." My mind was racing with the images of the blood that had been dripping off his face. I can feel my eyes sting, threatening to form tears. The terror I had felt that night was starting to creep it's way back into my body.

Jungkook was now flush to the edge of the bed. "Yes I did, but I only did that to save you. Y/n, he would have killed you." Jungkook stopped as his hands clenched angrily into fists. He turned his head to the side, sticking his tongue to poke the inside of his mouth. "I failed you y/n. That beast hurt you, I'm so sorry." Jungkook turned his attention to my leg which had been exposed when I had hurriedly scooted away.

I looked at the thigh the wolf had bit, which was now wrapped in bandages. I couldn't feel any pain which I was grateful for, but what caught my attention more than anything was the clothes I was wearing. I was in a pajama set that I had not been wearing before.

"Who's clothes are these? Did someone change me?" I looked up at Jungkook apprehensively.

"Don't worry, some of the pack mates helped to dress you."

"Pack mates?" I repeated, eyes widening at his sentence.

Jungkook sighed raking his fingers through his hair. "Y/n, I think you should rest some more. What happened to you was traumatic. I can get you something to drink if you'd like."

His answer annoyed me. Did he really think I was going to let him avoid answering any of my questions with an excuse as lame as that?

"No!" I shouted. Jungkook flinched away from my sudden outburst and heightened level of tone. "I deserve to know what's happening! I almost got mauled in the forest by some gigantic monster wolf and then before it could eat me to death, you come crashing out of nowhere! But no it wasn't exactly you was it?! It was another wolf that transformed into you afterwards! What the hell!? I-I don't even know what to think anymore! You tell me not to be afraid of you but then you're not going to explain what happened!?" I'm crying at this point, panting from the emotions I was able to release from scolding him.

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