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Cierra's POV

"You can't tell anyone"

The arrangement between me and my brothers has been on constant replay since we left David's house and I feel this pit deep in my stomach, guilt.

Judah runs his hand through my hair as I lay on his chest "So what did your brother wanna talk to you and jack about?"

There's the question I've been avoiding since we got home.

"Oh uh nothing... I just made jack apologize some more for being a klepto" I giggle trying my absolute best to hide the fact that I was lying straight to his face.

Me and jack didn't exactly come up with a cover story so right now I really need the twin telepathy thing to come through and hope he tells Finn the same thing cause if not we're going to be in a bit of a mess.

This whole lying to Judah thing is really new to me like of course if it comes down it and have to lie trust me I'll lie my ass off and get away with it but never to Judah.. he's put so much of his trust in me and doing so  hurts me a lot more than I thought it would, I know that I'm keeping this secret to protect him because the less he knows the better but it makes me feel so uneasy.

"Bit of a crazy way to get you all together don't you think?"

"Yea he just wanted to shake Jack up a bit, give him a taste of reality"

"But don't you think using you like that is a bit fucked up" he asks

"Well it taught Jack to never steal from him again and that's what matters"


He changed the subject "So, the gunshots?"

"What gunshots?" I asked

"Me and Finn heard gunshots from the room we were in, scared us half to death"

"Oh I was just trying to get Jack and Dave's attention because they were fighting and it was quite irritating"

"You shot a gun?" Judah chuckles and sits up in disbelief.

I look up at him from his chest "Yea, is that surprising?"

"Yea I didn't know you even knew how to do that"

and ever since I made this deal I might have to do a lot worse.

Judah's POV

"Do you know how to shoot a gun" Cierra asked putting her head back down on my chest


"You don't wanna make me mad Giovanni" Dave paces around the chair that Giovanni Regio is currently sat in.

Hands and feet tied to the chair and the cloth that was once tied around his face to keep his mouth shut is now loosely hanging around his neck.

The dimly lit room is covered in plastic from the ceiling to the expensive marble floor.

I'm standing in the corner in all black a bandana covering my nose and mouth, too many people know who I am and I've made a reputation for myself and it isn't a good thing, people fear me now, I don't know who I am anymore. I'm angry all the time and if I'm not angry I'm sad, a part of me wants out of this already but it's the only thing paying the bills and honestly... a sick sick part of me likes this.

"What do you want David just name your price and you can have it"

"I don't want your filthy money Gio! You know exactly why you're here, I. Want. Answers"

"Oooor what" Giovanni spits.

David beckons me over.

"Tell him what happens jay"

Giovanni nervously wiggles in the chair "jay?"

I walk over to the chair as I adjust my gloves and lean on both of the armrests "Or it's going to get messy" I slowly pull the bandana off and it falls to the floor

I walk over to the the table behind me with all different kinds of weapons before me.

This is new, I like it. If there's a hell, I'm definitely going.

"What? Is today my birthday Dave?" I smirk picking up a small knife lightly poking the top of my finger with it as I take long slow strides over to Giovanni.

David smirks and takes a sip of his vodka "only the best for you Judah I know torture is your element"

"Damn right it is" I give Giovanni a smirk.

"Y-you're J-j-"
"See Gio, I don't like getting my hands dirty if I don't have to but.. Jay here, he doesn't mind" Dave giggles.

I stop right in front of Giovanni.

"The names Judah, i've been carving up idiots like you for awhile now." I bend down to be eye level with him.

I slowly dig the knife into the top of his cheek and drag it down the side of his face and he hisses.

I whisper in his ear.

"But tonight, you can call me Your Worse Fucking Nightmare"

I See Right Through You ~ Judah Lewis (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now