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When I put parenthesis I'm translating I hope you enjoy .

1,315 words all for you love .

Cierra's pov

His hands were all over me and God damn did I love it

This was something I wasn't use to but he made it worth my while. I had never felt such pleasure. The softness behind every touch, his moans and his grunts alone were enough to push me over the edge. He was so caring about it asking me what I liked and what I didn't like asking me what I wanted and what I didn't want kissing me all over it was almost as if he wanted to remember exactly what I tasted like and I felt like I was in heaven when he spoke in French to me assuring me that I was his forever(we're both very fluent)

Judah Lewis

I've never felt love like this before I felt like I was dreaming the whole time, she was so beautiful I wanted to cry I couldn't keep my hands off of her I will never forget the feelings I felt last night I have never felt so close to someone and I've had sex before but last night wasn't sex it... it was love my God I felt like my heart was gonna burst when she said "ne me quittes jamais" (never leave me) and when I said "vous êtes des mines pour toujours" (you're mines forever) I meant it.

Cierra Cameron

He held me close to his naked body as a thin white sheet covered us I woke up and stared at his face while I thought about last nights events God was it amazing I tried to get out of the bed to make breakfast but he pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around me tighter

"5 moree minutess" he says sleepily with his eyes close his dirty blonde hair in his face

"Babe I wanna eattt" I say smiling as I try to get his arm off of me

"I know what I wanna eat" he says with his eyes still closed and a smirk on his face

"But you ate me out 3 times last night" I say turning around in his arms and smiling

"Let's make it 4" he winks and licks his lips grabbing me by my hips and rolling us over so I was straddling his waist

"Hmm let me think about it" I let my hand slide down his bare chest and to the bottom of his stomach

"NO" I giggle as I start tickling him

"Cierraaa I hate being tickled" he laughs turning over on his side causing him to let me go I get out of the bed and pick up his t shirt from the floor and put it on quickly as I run out the room

"I KNOW YOU HATE BEING TICKLED THATS WHY I DID IT" I say smiling hard as I run down the steps and into the kitchen

Judah Lewis

I'm so in love with her :))

I don't want to make my girl cook so I'm going order something for her.

"Babe what do you wanna eat!!" Cierra yells from downstairs

"I already told you what I want eat" I say more to my myself than her as I get up and put on a pair of shorts

"I heard that" she says as we both laugh

"Let me order you something babe" I walk down the steps and into the kitchen I already ordered it because I knew she was gonna say no

Every since I've gotten a new job (acting) and even had a lead role twice in 2 Netflix movies I've actually started to make good money the only reason why I haven't bought me and cierra a place yet is cause we're not 18 yet were 17 but im turning 18 soon and she turns 18 a week later so once that happens me and Cierra are off to L.A to start a new life ive already got a good place in mind

"Babe I already told you this I don't want you wasting your money on m-" she begins to talk but I cut her off i pick her up and put her on top of the counter as I stand between her legs and my hands rest on both of her thighs

"You are not a waste of money baby how many times am I gonna tell you that" I say caressing her thighs with my thumbs

"I don't know" she says mumbling

"Look at me" I say lifting her chin causing her to look at me

"Last night was amazing Cierra I need you to know that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you because you are the one. Okay? Listen I know we're young but I've had this feeling ever since I met you that the love I have for you is endless even if you lie to me cheat on me push me away and scream at me tear me to pieces but I'll still come back I'm head over heels for you princess no one can change that this is it cierra this right here is it the rest of my life is sitting right here on this counter in front of me I wanna live with you marry you have kids with you grow old with you I wanna give you a lifetime of happiness and joy and...... buy you breakfast.. so will you let me do that" I say looking up at her with tears in my eyes

She nods her head with a smile and I wipe away here little happy tears she grabs by the back of the neck and pepper kisses me all over my face

I love it when she does that :*^)

"I love you so much judah words can't explain how I feel for you" she says as she connects our foreheads

I pull away from her and let my hands hands rest on her waist

"Now will you let me order you some fucking breakfast so we can fill that tummy of yours up" I say sniffling and smiling trying to get rid of the evidence that I was crying

"Yes daddy" she says smirking as she bites her finger nail

"Good girl" I say as I slap her thigh playfully

As I'm about to check my phone to see if the food is almost here there's a knock at the door

"Who's that" cierra asks as I walk to the door

"The food" I say smiling with my back to her as I walk to the door

"You ordered it already" she asks as she hops from the counter top confused as fuck

"Yea" I say as I open the door thank the guy take the food and close it

"Even when I told you not to" she says standing there with only my t shirt on with her little arms crossed looking all cute and mad as I walk past her and into the kitchen with the bags cause I didn't listen

"Well I knew you were gonna say no so ordered it before you had the chance to" I say trying not to smile... but come on she's so cute when shes mad

"You never listen to me" she says pouting as she walks into the kitchen and she stomps her little foot

I pick her up and put down on a chair

"And since when has daddy ever listened" I say smirking leaving a kiss on her forehead

I take out her food and pass it to her

"Thank you daddy I wuv youuu" she said with a mouthful of pancake

"Your welcome princess daddy wUvS you too and stop talking with your mouth full before you choke" I say smiling

I go to take a sip of my orange juice

"Daddy you know what I wanna choke on" she says with a slight smirk as she finishes chewing her pancake

"CIERRA" I yell laughing as I almost choke on my orange juice

I See Right Through You ~ Judah Lewis (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now