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Judah's POV

My face is covered in tears, her story has left me entirely speechless.

How can one person hold so much strength.

Cierra's POV

"I know I should've said something to you that night, should've asked if you were okay" he cups my face in his hands

"I'm sorry judah I should have told you soone-" Cierra begins to apologize but I stop her

"Princess you do not need to apologize at all okay? That is your story it's your choice to tell it and even though you didn't have to I'm glad you told me. I can tell that a story like that is difficult to tell and I want you to know that whatever secrets you have or whatever things that happened in your past would never and could never change my love for you" he wipes my tears away but his continue to fall

"You're truly the strongest person I've ever met and it's corny but I love who you are so much I really hope you know that" he lightly sobs.

Now I wipe his tears :')

"I really do love you judah" I rest my hands on his cheeks giving him a passionate kiss

"I know baby I really do love you too" he chuckles kissing me more.

I'm so glad I told him.

"wait!" he says pulling away leaving my lips

"Don't tell me he got away with what he did Cierra" he says with a dead serious look on his face

I giggle "Hell no"

"After Lee did what he did a week later I went to his house while he was at football practice and told his parents what happened,!I struggled.. but I told them. I didn't want to press charges, something in me told me not to I didn't want the attention and from the looks of the house, they were filthy rich" I smirk

"at first they didn't believe me until I showed them the video, I threatened to bring in the authorities if they didn't give me 10k and do something about their son immediately, 2 days later Lee was gone and I was 10 thousand dollars richer"

"So you didn't bring in the cops" judahs asks confused about the pressing charges part I guess

"No BECAUSE 1 I knew I could handle it on my own once I got myself together which took sometime and 2 because I really don't want the attention if I would have pressed charges then the whole town would have known what happened and I just didn't want people to look at me as the victim, back then nobody really paid attention to me and I enjoyed it and even now people pay attention to me and I still don't want anyone to know. I have something good happening to me for once and I don't want something that's already handled to ruin it, Lee is gone and I'm happy about it and I want to forget about him and if you don't forget about him then I know I won't. I told you this because I trust you and because you're my boyfriend and I plan on staying with you for a very long time and plus I see you in my future when I make plans you're always in them so you need to know these things about me. so I know I didn't press charges but that's a choice I made and it may seem dumb to other people but I don't care because I'm happy with the choice I made and I just really want you to accept it"

"Of course I accept it baby I will always have your back no matter what choice you make but I do need confirmation for something" he grins

"And what is that" I look at him the smirk never leaving my face.

"That is if that asshole ever decides to show his face here in this town again I get to kill him"

"You can't kill him because then you'd go to jail, murder is not an option" I giggle

"but WE can kick his ass, deal?" I hold out my hand

"Deal." he shakes my hand leaving a kiss on my forehead as he lays back and pull me in for a cuddle

I rest my head on his chest as i fall asleep to the sound of his breathing

I wanna stay like this forever <3

I See Right Through You ~ Judah Lewis (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now