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Jack Cameron

I was sweating and out of breath. Every part of my body aching from being hit and falling over again and again and again.

I put my fists near the sides of my face as I bounce from one foot to the other. a determined david walks around me.

Cierra mumbles from behind me "C'mon Jack, you got this"

when dave stops in front of me I realize I might have to get off of defense and make the first move, i just need to get him down. I step up and without any strategy I swing my fist but it gets caught mid air as another fist strikes my chest and winds me I fall to my knees.

Dave rolls up his sleeves a bead of sweat forming in his hairline "Get up and run it again"

Cierra stands up, tired of watching me get beat to a pulp from the sidelines " how is he going to learn anything from this?!"

And without time to blink Cierra's feet get kicked from underneath her.

"You BOTH need to expect the unexpected or you will die! How many times do I have to say this isn't a fucking game?! This is your lives, start fighting for them. because whatever this is now is... pathetic" he grabs jack by the back of his hair and forces him to get up and

"run it again"Dave speaks through his teeth

once on my feet I sigh and roll back my shoulders. Dave begins to circle me again and i can feel my heart rate go back up "i want you to go to the darkest moment in your life.. a moment where you felt you had no control.."

i close my eyes and I can hear my heart beating so heavily. the only moment i can think of is when i woke up to two men in military suits dragging me out of bed, out of the only home i've ever known. The person to make that call?

My own mother.

i can still feel their hands gripping me so harshly as i call out to her. i called out to my mother. begged her. She just stood there, watching with bags under her eyes a familiar look of numbness she usually has.

"you got it?"

I put my fists back up silently with a nod. something is different.

"I got it."

he stops in front of me "i want you to really feel everything you felt in the moment as if it was happening right now, use that anger Jack but don't let it cloud your judgement.. let it be your drive.. not what controls you, never let it happen again."

Me and Dave both begin to circle each other this time, more focused i begin to watch his arms and feet waiting for him to make a move. To even twitch. when his foot jolts forward his fist is flying at me again but this time i move quickly. fast enough to step back and dodge it. I grab him by the arm he just swang with and using all the force in my body I flip him over my shoulder harshly so he lands on his back completely winding him. i didn't even have to think about it so he barely had time to process it.

i was just a kid when those men took me, an angry kid. i felt powerless. My house was falling apart, brother and dad .. missing in action, now being ripped from my sister with no goodbye. Completely out of control of my own life, my own choices. i wasn't perfect- not even close, but i don't think anyone deserves that. I didn't deserve that. Every second I was in that place I kept replaying the moment they took me in my head, If maybe I had moved quicker? if maybe I was stronger?

Never Again.

I can hear cierra's footsteps behind me "finish him"

"but he's already do-" and before I could predict it Dave kicks my feet from underneath me and my back hits the ground.

Cierra crouches down beside me as I wince in pain "and now so are you" with that she pats my head and sits back in her seat.

i'm starting to think that's his favorite fucking move.

Dave speaks as he gets up and helps me off the ground "that was good, lesson number 2 though- no mercy shithead. Cee, you're up. Show me what you got"

Cee and Dave circle eachother once, before Dave even gets the chance to jump Cierra's fist is already flying through the air nearly making contact with David's face, just when I think he'll freeze up he moves to the side swiftly then crouching down and getting position to swipe Cierra's  feet from under her but Cierra was quicker than him cause as he was going for a low attack she went for a high one jumping in the air and kicking him directly in the nose ending the fight swiftly. back hitting the floor before he even realizes that he's no longer on his feet.

she stands from her crouching position over his winded body "not fun, is it?"

"that was way too fast dude" i chuckle on the other side of Cierra helping david up from the floor

dave pants as he stands up "i'd say i was proud of you if i wasn't winded and bleeding from my nose right now"

right after david fully stands up he gets a call "alright guys let's take 5"


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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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