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Jack Cameron

"Are they always this loud?" Finn says as he puts the pillow I gave him over his head and turns onto his stomach in his sleeping bag

"Fuck JUDA- please please-" cierra yells from her room

"Yea pretty much" I groan my voice raspy from lack of sleep

"Makin me kinda hard" finn yawns and even in the darkness of my room I can literally FEEL finn's smug little smirk

and with that I throw the plastic water bottle that I have on my night stand at finn's head because i know for a fact that Finn has always had a bit of a crush on Cierra, i just hope he never acts on it.

Finn Wolfhard

"Ow you FUCKER" I giggle

"Here take these" jack hands me his headphones

"Atleast try to get some sleep" jack turns over on his side once he hands them to me

"Nah dude I wanna hear all her moans OH JUDA-" i yell loudly knowing that I'm getting to him with a wide grin on my face

"That's it." Jack turns on the lamp on his nightstand and grabs the pillow next to him and hits me so hard over the head my grandmother probably felt it.

8:02 am
Cierra Cameron

I wake up to something in my room falling over I wake to catch the quickest glimpse of Judah's sleeping body before I'm being ripped from the bed.

I have no clue what's happening for a second I think to myself maybe I'm dreaming, two large men are grabbing and pulling at my arms, I've never seen Judah jump up so fast.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I begin to kick my feet but they're lifted off the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" Judah runs over and tries to get to me but one of the men let go of my arm and points a gun at judahs head while the other man throws me over his shoulder and continues to try and get out of the room but I grab onto the side of the wall next to my door

"NO NO NO STOP- LET ME GO- JUDAH" I hold on to the wall for dear life I look back and see Jack grab the bat we have for emergencies off the wall.

"Put my sister the fuck down" Jack comes running as he swings the bat in his hand and hits the guy in the leg hard causing him to fall on the ground and drop me and once I feel the cold harshness of the floor hit my back I know this is real but before I had the chance to get up and run i realize there are more men in the house one of them hit jack in the back of his head with the end of the gun instantly knocking him out for a second I think I have a chance when I see finn running behind him but the man grabs the bat and quickly swinging it at finn over the head putting him to sleep with one blow.

I'm doomed.

They grabbed me again and dragged me to the living room and tied me up and put a bag on my head, they open the front door to my house yanking me out, I feel like i'm under arrest. I can feel the cool late September breeze hit my skin and before i know it i'm being shoved into what feels like the back seat of a car.

Meanwhile judah is still in my room being held at gun point.

i yell and kick the back of the drivers seat "what i-is this?!"

I'm terrified.

I See Right Through You ~ Judah Lewis (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now