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Cierra's POV

This morning while judah rested his head on my stomach I realized that we spend a lot of time in my house and we never really stay at his so I brought it up to him but he immediately shot it down and said

"Baby you know my parents fight a lot, I don't want you to see that."

so I promised that if anything happens we'd calmly leave.

After a few hours of hanging out in his room we ate and since we figured things were going pretty well in his house right now we decided to chill out in the livingroom but his mother sobs could be heard throughout the entire house. His mom was locked in her room for days because judah and her dad got into another argument and his dad left... again

If me and judah weren't together then judah probably would've stepped in and the situation would've gotten violent but me and him have truly been working on our anger and I can see a change in him, he doesn't let minor things like his father get to him anymore, unless it comes to me.

Judah pauses the movie we're watching and turns to me in annoyance "Don't you find those stupid sobs annoying"

"Yea I just want to know why she keeps letting him back" I take a cheeto in my mouth as i look at him

"Same here" judah says grabbing the bag of chips

"I'm thirsty" I get up walking into the kitchen

I open his fridge and before I can ask if he wants anything his front door opens and slams shut.

It was Judah's dad, fuck.

"Where the hell is your mother" his father asked as he takes off his jacket.

His father is tall and buff and he's got a very nice suit on with wrinkles all over his face, his eyebrows are creased and he's got bags underneath his eyes like he hasn't slept in days.

Judah speaks between his teeth "In her room where she's been for the last couple days ever since you left"

"Don't talk to me like that shithead remember who I am, I've been out dealing with business all week. I'm tired and stressed you don't wanna fuck with me right now" his father spits

"You're always dealing with business, Fuck off" Judah gets up from the couch and chuckles as he begins to walk over to me but his dad is hot on his trail.

What kind of business are they talking about?

"go grab your stuff cee, we're outta here."

his father grabs him by the back of his shirt and turns him to make eye contact"The hell did you say to m-"

"I said" judah rips his hand off of his shirt and gets in his fathers face "Fuck. off."

I step in between them pushing Judah back gently and turning around to look his father dead in the eye

"Babe he's not worth it let's just go, we can finish the movi-" I say beginning to get agitated with the way his father is treating him but then his father shoves me out of the way and I hit my back on the back corner of the couch

his father starts taking steps toward him and gets right in his face "You're a little fucking pussy you know that right, letting your girlfriend stand up for you"

Judah smirks and slides his sleeves up his arms"oh you have no idea what you just did pal"

"oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?"

Judah smiles widely as he puts his hands in the air and surrenders "It's not about what ill do, it's about what she'll do"

Before his father can fully turn around all I can see is red and I punch his father right in the cheek.

I stand over his dad that is now lying on the floor in pure shock and I grab him up by his shirt and drag him closer to my face slowly.

I speak calmly "I don't care WHO you are outside of that door but in this house you are a husband and a father and if you don't start acting accordingly I will break every last fucking bone in your body, do we have an agreement?"

The room falls silent and his father breaks eye contact with me, clearly upset at that fact that he's being man handled by a teenage girl. I'm actually kind of shocked he hasn't hit me back but since he refuses to give in I continue.

"Fine then Mr.Lewis, We'll do this the hard way"

I grab the pocket knife my brother Dave gave me as a child out the side of my boot and I press it into the side of his fathers face breaking his skin a bit "I'll ask again, do we have an agreement?"

Mr.Lewis's POV

This girl seems so familiar, she's definitely got mafia blood running through her veins.

I can tell she's not one to be fucking with.

Cierra's POV

"YES YES... w-we have an agreement" In fear judah's father knods his head at a fast pace.

I unexpectedly let go of judahs father and falls back hits the ground.

I smile politely as I put the knife away "Lovely"

I get a napkin from the table and throw it as his father "now clean yourself up, you're a mess"

his father gets up and sits on the couch wiping blood from his nose, mouth, and the side of his face in silence."

"This shit is gonna end now" i say tying up my hair

I walk over to his mothers room her door was locked and i couldn't get it open which was frustrating me more causing me to kick her door open and drag his mother out seating her next to her husband

"stop with the tears"I yell causing her to stop sobbing as I drag her into the living room where me and judah were once relaxing

"if anyone in this room should be crying right now it should be him"I point at judah

I crouch in front of his mother "I understand how it feels to be belittled by the men in this world but you have a child that you need to love and protect. You're a women in 21st century, pussy is power. Act like it."

I look over at his dad "and you" I chuckle "it pains me to even look at how pathetic you are, you feel powerless in every aspect of your life so you put your hands on a women and your child to feel like you have some sort of control, disgusting. Put your hands on her or Judah ever again and you'll have much more to worry about than power and control."

"judah is an amazing fucking person and if anyone in this room knows that it's me, even though it should be you guys. He is your child and although you two keep on fucking up he still comes back everytime"

I walk into the kitchen and grab a pen and a napkin and write down my number and hand it to the mother

"So until you two get it together judah will be staying with me and whenever you're ready and have your shit together call me and he'll decide if he wants to come back"

me and judah go upstairs and grab whatever clothes and important belongings judah has and go downstairs to his car without a word to his mother or father

I close the trunk to his car but before I can get in the car judah walks up to me and technically crashes into me with tears in his eyes and hugs me as if it were the last time he was going to see me ever again as he sobs into my neck

this boy has been through so much I hate seeing him like this, I want to know how he is feeling so I look in his eyes as a smile forms on his face.

"Even in a time like this you still manage to smile" I say as he wraps his arms tighter around my waist

He is happy, but why?

"The smile is all cause of you cee" he plants a soft kiss on my lips.

"Thank you for defending me the way you did baby, no one else in the world would've done anything like that for me.. ever"

I put my forehead on his "For you I'd do anything"

I See Right Through You ~ Judah Lewis (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now