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32 Weeks

"Lets hope baby is bigger this time, yeah?" Dr. Tanner steps into the room, a smile on his face.

"I've gained more weight in these four weeks than any other month of the pregnancy so lets hope she has too." Skye nods.

"How are you feeling? Physically?" Dr. Tanner nods, looking through the chart.

"Pretty good, tired, out of breath a lot, she's sitting way up in my ribs at this point, but I've almost got to the point that I don't consider how I feel to be nausea."

"That's good. You've only got eight weeks left." Dr. Tanner laughs.

"Worth it. Although if we do this again I'm hoping to not be as sick."

"I'm not sure I want you to do it again if we can't guarantee this kind of sick doesn't happen again." Calum frowns from his spot in the chair across the small room.

"There is no guarantee unfortunately." Dr. Tanner frowns, "Some moms have it terrible for their first pregnancy and then not so bad. Others it gets worse with each pregnancy, others it stays the same. We can't predict what Skye's body would do if she were to get pregnant again. That is something you two will have to decide on, if it's worth the HG to have another baby later on."

"Lets maybe get this one out and grown a little bit before we start discussing the possibility of the next one." Skye laughs, rubbing her stomach softly.

"Well, you've gained weight, and almost everything looks good, your blood pressure is still low though and your heart rate is a little bit high. Nothing dangerous yet, but I will want to see you in two weeks instead of four, and for the rest of the pregnancy it will be that way. Just to make sure we are monitoring those things. If anything gets weird, you're feeling light headed, out of breath for longer than a minute, lay down immediately and come in if it persists after half an hour of resting. It shouldn't be a big deal, but we want to make sure you and the baby are safe."

"I can handle that." Skye nods, seeing worry in Calum's eyes though.

"She works at a Daycare, on her feet all day." Calum blurts suddenly, "Should she maybe hand over the duties there until the baby is here?"

"It wouldn't be a bad idea." Dr. Tanner shrugs, "But I am not telling you you have to, but definitely be extremely careful if you are spending time bending or lifting or anything like that."

"I will be." Skye nods.

"Now, should we see if we have a chunky girl?" Dr. Tanner smiles, motioning for Skye to lay back on the table, Calum immediately taking his place beside her to see the monitor.

"Alright, baby girl, lets see how things look." Dr. Tanner mumbles to himself as he moves the wand over Skye's stomach. "She's positioned correctly, which is a great thing for thirty-two weeks, she shouldn't move back into breach at this point. It will cause more pressure under your ribs with her little bum, knees, and feet up higher, but it is what we want to see." He goes quiet again as he pushes some buttons to calculate some measurements.

"Okay, she is still small, but growth arch is slightly higher than it has been, so keep eating your yogurts and avocado and whatever else you are that's giving her those fatty nutrients that are helping her grow. You guys look to be right on track for a perfect July birth." Dr. Tanner smiles over at them after a few minutes.

"She's growing?" Skye grins.

"Might just be chubby by the time she is ready to come out." Dr. Tanner nods.

"That's good to hear." Calum grins.

"It's been a long road for you guys, but you're hitting the home stretch. Make sure her nursery is ready, car seat is installed correctly, and all her adorable clothing is ready to go. She will be here in just a few weeks now."

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