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Skye startles slightly, her eyes blinking open, feeling exhausted but better physically than she has in days. Glanced around she takes in her surroundings, a hospital bed and monitors, an IV attached to her right arm slowly feeding her fluids. Turning to her left she sees Crystal, asleep against the side of her bed, eyes looking warn even in her relax and unconscious state. Carefully she moves her hand, combing her fingers over Crystal's head to gently wake her.

"Hey." Crystal smiles as she sits up, blinking the sleep from her eyes as she stretches. "How are you feeling?"

"A little bit better. Not quite so dead." Skye sighs, "What are the doctors saying?"

"Dehydration so far, severe dehydration. They were running some tests but haven't said anything else. I think they were waiting for you to wake up."

"Thanks, Crys. For bringing me here."

"You needed it. Even if your stubborn ass refused to admit it." She half smiles, "Calum was very relieved when I told him I had you here."

"I was scaring him pretty badly wasn't I?" She frowns.

"Ya. Michael said he hasn't hardly slept in days because he was worried about you." Crystal laughs softly.

"I should probably apologize to him for that."

"It would be a good idea."

"After we talk to my doctor? I want to know what they found in my tests."

"Considering it's pretty early there it's probably okay to give him a bit of sleep. He was doing better just by knowing you were here being taken care of. At least that's what Michael said last night."

"Well, if I'm not calling Cal, can we find the doctor so I at least have some answers?" Skye shifts slightly in the bed, giving herself a good indication of how exhausted her muscles are in the way they ache as she moves. Crystal smiles, pushing the blue button on the side of Skye's bed that says nurse.

"Someone is coming."

"Thank." Skye sighs, "Roy has Nika right? That's what I think I remember you saying last night."

"Ya, he got her off to school this morning and everything. She is taken care of, Sierra and Matthew are going to hang out with her this afternoon if we need, and Amber is waiting on standby if we need her."

"Thank you. I'm still not used to having people who help so willingly, I don't know if I will ever be used to it. It's not what I know."

"It is what you have though. And Punk Princess is taken care of, she just wants you to get better. She is as worried as anyone about you being sick."

"Good morning." Skye looks up as someone steps into the room, a doctor in a blue scrubs with an iPad in hand. "Nice to see you waking up and more alert. I'm Doctor Robin."

"Nice to meet you." Skye smiles.

"Now, our emergency department got you hooked up to an IV drip when you came in and helped to hydrate you, we added some nutrient heavy fluids when they admitted you to general stay because you were really low on well, basically everything." He explains.

"I've been sick for a week straight, I'm not totally shocked I was low on nutrients and hydration. Do we know why I am so sick though?"

"We have a theory." He nods, sitting himself at the foot of her bed, "We took a couple blood samples for testing last night since Crystal said it had been getting worse not better over the last week. Good news, your white blood cell count is normal, meaning no infections."

"If it's not an infection what is it?" Skye frowns.

He almost smiles, "Have you ever heard of the term Hyperemesis Gravidarum?"

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