Case 18: Dish

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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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CASE 18: Dish

When I woke up in the morning, I felt excited but at the same time I was nervous. I mean, I let my emotion yesterday to take over my self and leads out to that mess. so much for starting something between us... Ugh.

Anyway, when I reached school like yesterday, my head continued to turn from left to right, searching for a certain person. she wouldn't be hard to find, cause she one of the tallest person I know and given her looks, she's beautiful yet at the same time, she really handsome.

"You know, you look very suspicious with how you act" Jules suddenly whispered. I turned to her with a confused look.

"If Tey was here, she'll definitely bombard you with questions after question as to what or who you're looking for. you know how protective that gal is" she said, making sense. I guess I can say i'm lucky Kris pulled her when we arrive here, to accompany her to the library and surrender those overdue books she forgot to return.

"Well I guess I could count myself lucky this time." I shrugged my shoulder then continued walking to the hall that'll lead me to our lecture room whilst continued keeping an eye out for her.

Once we turned to a new hall, my eyes focused automatically at a blond woman who's talking to the guys in our class. She happily laughed at whatever jokes they're talking. Then a few second later, as we approach the lecture room, I saw Scott coming out from a corner, talking seriously to Mr. Abbott. As soon as I threw a glance to Julia, she already turned her backs on the boys as she looked excitedly to Scott, I could feel my self getting irritated by those perfect smiles of hers.

"Chill Girl. Chill" I heard Jules said as she pat my shoulder and pulled me inside the class. we sat on our normal spot and soon Tey and Kris came in right after Mr. Abbott.

The class were pretty boring for me, not until I was called out to recite the Justice System we studied during our freshmen, which I recited perfectly. I had to make sure this information stays in my mind till I secure myself a spot in the department.

"Very good, Ms.Jones. As you all know, you are all close to Graduation and we couldn't afford ya'll to be slacking off and forgetting this basic thing and then failing the Board Exam. So I suggest those who are doubting their selves to start reading again and memorize those things. specially you Ms.Keanan. I saw your result in Mr.Pordfort's Exam, the basic of all majors in this department yet you almost failed. you better do your best this upcoming Final Examination." Mr. Abbott blabbers.

"Yes Sir!" I heard Linsey Keanan replied in a shout. Soon, Mr.Abbott lectured about how to pass the Board Exam, giving out tips and notes and reminders that everyone listened intently while taking down notes. They were pretty much basic that if you overthink about the Exam, you might've missed them and causing the result of failing.

After that Two hour Tips and Notes exchange, another Two hour self study under Mr.Abbott and an Hour questions to him. We were dismissed and automatically, we went to the Cafeteria that's almost empty since few classes are probably on going.

"I'm starving' I head Jules complained.

"I could eat a cow" Kris exaggerated. I just chuckled with their reaction whenever they couldn't eat on time.

"I could order a Cow for you if you want" Tey suddenly said that made us stop in our tracks and look at her way.


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