Case 8: Emotion.

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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.


Case 8: Emotion.

I'm in such bliss. I just got my result and guess what?! I ranked up! I'm currently in the eighteenth with our exam! I got a total of 950 points out of 1100 items! All those cramming paid off. I never thought I'll reach the top twenty and now I'm in the top eighteenth.

"Congrats, Gin..." i heard my kris said as she pat my shoulder, looking at the board where the ranks and scores were posted.

"Congrats too, Kris. You just made it to the top fifty" i hugged her side. She did study hard. A total of 780 points.

"Ohh i think i just moved ten steps upward!" Jules suddenly popped out of nowhere and ogle the board. She was now at the thirty fourth with a score of 868 points.

"And look up there, still the reigning queen, the one and only Tey Zorox.." Kris pointed and i saw Tey's name on the top of the list with a perfect score, those that followed her name would only miss a single or few points.

"She's too smart" jules whined that made me giggle just as Tey arrived in the room, earning our cheers for her.

"Thanks guys" she said and stepped infront of the board, i can see her eyes search for something. That i had to look back on the board.

"Who're you looking for?" I asked that caught Jules and Kris attention.

"No one..." she answered, sighing loudly.

"Oh now that i remember, where is Scott's name? I'm sure, they'll post her full name here. I wanna know her name. I bet it's cute." Kris suddenly said and started scanning the board from top to bottom.

"I'm quite curious too, i wanna know her name... don't you guys wanna see what's the name of the Ice Scott?" Jules said joining Kris.

"Ice Scott?" I asked. It was a silly name to begin with.

"Oh haven't you guys know? That's what they call her, since she didn't say her name and the cold presence she emits and all." Kris explained as she continued looking.

And it was as if Tey has already looked for her name that she didn't bother the two. Was that sigh earlier because of it? Because, i, myself has already looked for her name. Not even her surname was there. It was like, she wasn't included with the ranking.

"Well... such a bummer, she's not here. Thought she got a low score, that's why she wasn't in the top board, but turns out she wasn't in the list." Kris slumped.

"There's nothing we can do, she's an exchange student.." Jules shrugged as she leaned back to a nearby desk beside her.

"Hmm? Exchange student..." Kris started to mutter, "don't you guys find it weird? It was so sudden for an exchange student" Kris said rubbing her chin as if she was thinking deeply.

"What do you mean?" Jules asked.

"I mean isn't too late for her to just suddenly transfer?" Kris said but neither of us spoke, it was as if we were a slowed computer, processing what she said. "Oh come on guys, you're much smarter than me. Wasn't it supposed to be a freshman for exchange student? Like hello? Even though we study the same courses, it doesn't mean that we study in the same pace and materials. I mean, it's so weird that a graduating student would be sent to the other country and finish their studies there. A freshie or sophomore would make sense but a senior? Really?"

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