Case 12: Blessing in Disguise?

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Here's an Update guys! Thanks for reading!
Just had a few minutes to finish this chapter, hope you enjoy!

This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.


CASE 12: Blessing in Disguise?

Ginny's POV

"That's all for today's lesson, remember to turn in your essay tomorrow." The professor said dismissing everyone in class.

The days have been dragging like boring history class, specially now that i had never seen any sign nor shadow of the great Scott. One day, I just found myself looking for her anywhere i go but to no luck, i haven't seen her the whole week.

Going to school, going to class, listening to the lecturer then going home and sleep. That's it. Absolutely boring. Like today...

"You're really down, aren't you?" Jules asked.

"Well kind of, probably just tired." I said getting out of the car. Everyone entered the house and did their own thing.

"Hey I'm going out for a while" Tey suddenly said as i sat in the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I asked, just so i wouldn't worry or know where she is if ever.

"Oh just gonna pick up something in the school. Kinda forgot about it" she said showing her own car keys to me. forgot? well that's a first.

"Oh okay, take care then" i said and she left. I stayed for awhile in the kitchen whipping something to eat but couldn't. There wasn't enough ingredients so i decided to go down the supermarket and buy some.

"Hey Kris, need anything or want to come with me in the market?" I asked peeking at her room.

"Oh i don't need anything at the moment. I just have to finish this assignment that i forgot last time, Miss gave me a chance, so I'm sorry i can't come." She said unable to look at me as she looks back and forth from her book and laptop.

"Oh it's cool. Just concentrate in there." I said and left for Jules room.

I knocked and no one answered, "hey, Jules need anything-" i immediately stopped from opening the door and talking loudly seeing she was already passed out. I just sneaked in and placed her blanket more nicely.

"Guess I'm going alone... " i said as soon as i got out of her room. I walked back to my room and picked up my phone and car keys then went out.

I entered the car and drove towards the market. Once i arrived there, i parked near the entrance so i could easily put whatever i buy in the car.

I took a push cart and started browsing each aisles taking whatever we would need in the house or what i crave. Once i finished, i payed and put four paper bags at the backseat.

While driving home, i passed by the convenience store and decided to stop there to buy something to drink.

"That'll be a dollar ma'am" the staff said and i payed.

I went out and saw a van parked beside my car, then the driver went inside the convenience store, while another guy was at the back fixing something.

I was about to get in the car but i saw a stray cat went inside the van, since the door was opened. I know it's such a cliche thing but the guy took out his cigar and went a little far, so i guess it wouldn't hurt if i went inside the van and get the cat out in an instant, right?

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