26 | Shark Pajamas and Scalding Hot Lattes

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It was getting late.

My mind was still plagued with thoughts of Mr. Donavan and the mixed signals he had sent me. Normally, I'd hit Addie up, get her perspective on things, but I may have to refrain from doing so this time. Addie and I hadn't really talked since I shanghaied her into hanging out with Chase. I still don't know where we stood from that, so I can't exactly call her up and say I need help when she's possibly upset with me.

After I silently shut the door behind me, I tiptoed up the stairs through the darkness of the lounge, careful not to wake my parents who were probably fast asleep upstairs. Without switching on my bedroom lights, I hastily changed into pajamas, dropped my phone onto the nightstand, and just fell face-first onto my bed.

Boy, was I exhausted

If I couldn't have Addie to distract me from myself, then the sweet release of sleep would be the next best thing. 

I dove under the covers and shut my eyes, ready to let darkness take over me.

Trevor Parks

Trevor Parks

Trevor Parks

Trevor Parks
hey, Morgan

Trevor Parks
hey, i'm outside

Trevor Parks
come outside

Ugh, what is that? I was just on the verge of falling asleep. Reluctantly climbing out of bed, I tried to identify the source of the incessant dinging. My computer screen illuminated my otherwise dark room. I walked over to it, like a lion stalking its prey, and placed my hand over the power button, ready to turn it off, when my groggy eyes finally adjusted to the light my computer was emitting and noticed what was happening on the screen.

Trevor Parks
don't make me honk

Trevor Parks
i will honk

Trevor Parks
get out here

Before I even noticed, a smile was tugging the corners of my lips upwards as I made my way over to the window. Sure enough, bathed in the radiant light of the full moon, there was Trevor in his iconic leather jacket, leaning against his Jeep in my driveway. The moment he spotted me, his soft lips stretched into a bright smile that reached his eyes. He raised up his right hand, and even though I was a story up, I could make out the coffee cup resting in his hand. 

His emerald eyes shone in the dark of the night, its radiance making all those who saw it feel the irresistible impulse to smile, too, for the way he smiled was the sincerest and purest thing you'll ever see—and that's how I found myself making my way down the stairs and out the door to meet the boy.

"Hey," I greeted, my arms hugging my body to keep myself warm.

He handed me the cup, and when I took off the cap, the sweet aroma of coffee infiltrated the cool night air, the brown liquid sloshing around in the paper cup. The corner of his lip tilted up into a crooked smile, he said, "I promised you a latte, didn't I?"

"Now I can't call my tutoring services free anymore, you rat," I joked, earning a hearty laugh from the boy. I took a sip of the latte and immediately burned the roof of my mouth, and Trevor could barely hold in his laughter. 

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