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Elisa's pov:
Ever since that eventful day back in Kenwick and with everything that had happened there life has gotten way quieter and definitely calmer! Jace has even moved in with me since he was staying at my place the most of the time anyway. Madzie my sweet baby girl has completely bloomed and came out of her shy shell after she realized that she is finally safe with me! Every time I hear her sweet voice calling me mommy I am seriously only seconds away from bursting out in tears. She simply is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Magnus of course is his usual overprotective self and even moved into the apartment right across from mine. He stated that he wants to be able to spend as much time with his niece or sweet pea as he loves to call her. And I honestly can't be mad at him since he is completely in love with the sweet girl and happily would lay down his own life to safe her. Whenever he has watched her, she gets back with at least one new stuffy. I even needed to magically make her bedroom bigger because otherwise nothing would fit anymore. At first I do have to say that I found it cute but now I had a talk with both of them that enough is enough. Both of course have been sulking until I gave in to allow one present every two weeks. Let's just say they seem to forget which week it is, that or they do it deliberately, which I Of course don't believe. Hopefully you get my sarcasm on that one!
„What are you thinking about so hard precious?" jace asks as he slings his strong arms around my waist. A bright smile right away forms on my lips, always loving to be in my boyfriends arms.
„Nothing really. Just how much my life has changed and how cheeky my daughter and brother are acting." I answer him as I turn around to be face to face with him again. His soft lips right away find mine and i can't say how amazing it feels to kiss the one you love.
„Well, than it's a good thing I ask Alec and Magnus to keep our princess over night." jace says and kisses my neck lovingly. A shudder runs over my body at the awareness what he is indicating as well as the fact he started to give me a hickey.
„Really? But what about her clothes and her teddy? You know she can't sleep without her teddy!" I ask suddenly realizing that my baby needs her stuff or her nightmares may come back again. As if they only have waited for me to ask that, in came my baby girl along with my brother and his significant other Alec.
„I am going to have a sleepover at uncle Magnus and uncle Alec's place!" a giddy happy toddler announces and jumps in my arms. Quickly I engulf her and swirl us around which of course makes her giggle like crazy.
„Are you sure you want to stay at their place sweetheart?" I ask her slightly concerned since I never was away from her over night. Her bright smile thought makes me really proud at how strong my baby girl truly is. After everything she has went through she is still living her life to the fullest and with a smile on her lips.
„Hmm! Uncle Magnus said we can watch a movie and drink hot cocoa! Uncle alec promised he won't be cooking so that's really good too!" she happily answers me and makes everyone laugh at her last explanation. Looking towards Alec I see that not only he himself can hide his smile even though the laugh is on him.
„That sounds like a lot of fun Baby Girl. I am happy you are so excited for it." I softly tell her and see her starting to bite her lip slightly afraid to say something.
„What's the matter Baby Girl?" i ask, wanting to know what got her so shy again. Especially after just laughing like that!
„If I change my mind and want to come back home i can right? You won't be mad?" she asks me afraid and with tears already standing in her eyes. So quickly I pull her closer into my chest to sooth her.
„You can always call me and I will right away come to pick you up! I won't ever be mad at you! Especially not if you get a bit frightened. That's completely normal, so no worries." I explain softly. Knowing that she needs the last push to get her back to her giggling self.
„Let's make a Deal, we go in your room to pack some overnight stuff for you. Than you go and enjoy some time with your uncles. If you decide to sleep there, than you have everything you need with you. And if you decide that you would prefer to sleep here, than I come and get you right away." I tell her and see her nodding intensely at what I am saying. When I finished to speak she holds out her pinky to me, so without hesitation I curl mine around hers and pinky promise that we both are going to uphold the deal we just made.
„Alright, so let's go to your room and pack everything you might need up!" I say and see her clapping her hands in excitement. It didn't take much time before her bag was filled with her pjs a new set of undies and a shirt. Of course her teddy had to stay in her arms, can't suffocate him after all! With one last kiss goodbye and a stern talk with Magnus to look good after my baby they left the apartment with giggles flying out of Madzies mouth.
„So, I thought we can maybe order some food?" jace asks me with hopeful eyes. So of course I agreed, knowing that just like alec he can't cook to safe his life. Just seeing his face lighting up like that makes me feel all blessed yet again. I only ever had my brother as a family and now? Now I have a daughter a boyfriend that loves me just as much as I love him. And even loves my daughter like she is his own, which honestly makes me love him even more! And Magnus is finally completely happy again with Alec! Those two really are still going strong which is incredible to watch. So no wonder I can't wait for what my life will have to offer in the future. Because I know that as long as I have my family around me, I am going to be perfectly fine!
The end!

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