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Jace's pov:
Seeing my precious little love standing so close towards someone that wasn't me makes me itch to pull her away. They however warned us beforehand to not come close them after they started since we would get hurt in the process. When their combined blood drops onto the floor and they are leaning even closer to one another my jealousy is burning like the flames surrounding them. There intense stares, filled with undying love and trust I really have problems staying out on the couch they have directed us. My body physically shaking in pure furry that MY love looks at someone that isn't me like that! Feeling the same overpowering feeling of jealousy swamping over from my pair of a tie makes me look towards him. Alec is sitting stiff as a rock, his hands tightly pulled in fists and his mouth pulled in a hard line. A sign that he is currently holding onto a very thin threat to stop himself from acting on his instincts. Something he always tries to not do since his parents have drilled into him How feelings are nothing but a distraction.
„It's alright Alec, we will ask them when they have finished whatever they might be doing." I try to sound as calm as possible. His unimpressed stare however lets me know that I haven't done a good job at sounding calm.
„It looks extremely intimate, doesn't it?" he asks me sounding absolutely devastated. Through all the time I have known my brother now, I have not once seen him show his feelings this open. Especially not feelings of love or jealousy.
„People thing that of our parabatai tracking as well, so let's try to stay level headed. And believe me I am just as jealous as you are right now!" I tell my brother in hope of sooth him at least a little. Just than their hands let go of one another and the flames vanish again. I completely ignore their quiet conversation and simply pull my precious little love into my chest. Relieve washes over me like I have never felt in my whole life. Normally I was always the one that fought and get myself in danger, but seeing my love, my heart do something that could get her killed I am simply terrified for her well being!
„I was so afraid like I never have been all my life!" I whisper against her soft hair. My arms holding tightly onto her, needing to make sure she is safely in my arms.
„Sorry i made you so worried, but we were completely safe during this whole ceremony." Her sweet as honey voice answers me in reassurance. Softly i kiss her temple while swaying us softly side to side. Her warm breath fanning over my chest which makes my skin tingle in awareness of our closeness and I absolutely love it! Their is nothing that has ever felt as right as this. My sweet precious little love cuddled into me, that's how it is supposed to be like for the rest of my life.
„So, did you find out where Jocelyn is kept hostage?" Alec asks with after sighing heavily. Feeling slightly annoyed at my pair of a tie since because of his question my precious love turns away to look towards them and away from me. I right away miss her small body pressed into me with her breath fanning over me. To my surprise Alec and Magnus are in the same position as we are. My mouth twitches slightly upwards in complete joy that my brother seems to finally accept his sexuality.
„We do. She is cuffed onto a bed in Renwick. The old hospital." Magnus answers him and in return gets a soft peck on his forehead from alec. Smiling brightly at his open show of affection. That's the Alec that I always knew and hoped he will start to show others as well.
„I remember that old hospital. It seems to be perfect for Valentine." I voice my opinion to which my happily smiling parabatai nods along to in agreement.
„May i ask you something?" alec questions sounding unsure if they would agree to or not.
„Go ahead. I did say you can ask us your questions afterwards, so ask away." Magnus answers with a nod and a smile on his lips. Feeling my precious little love stiffen slightly, I squeeze her waist slightly to let her know that I am here for her. No matter what will happen!
„It looked like the both of you where combining your magic. But I have never heard about something like that." alec questions slowly, seemingly knowing that this might be a touchy subject. And just like that Magnus smile fell, the heartbeat of my love quickens rapidly as well. Not liking at all for her to worry like that, I softly kiss the back of her head. Seeing Magnus looking at my love with a hopeful expression. Her head slowly nods in a reply before she takes a deep breath.
„It's possible to share your magic. However only if you are blood related. The closer the bond the more strength or magic can be shared with one another." She slowly explain not looking at anyone other than Magnus as if she is afraid of our reaction to what she just said. That's when it slowly dawns on me! Their closeness, how they always feel the need to look out for one another. The looks they share with one another and also how Magnus always seems to be on edge when I am too close to her. He never seemed jealous now that I think about it, he was worried! Worried that I might hurt her.
„Oh my god!" I mumble out quietly in astonishment as everything suddenly seems to add up.
„You are siblings." I say completely sure of it now.
„That's correct. But since we already have more than enough enemies since they think we are too powerful, we keep that a secret. Until now, no one knew other then the both of us and our father." Magnus tells us after taking a deep breath. My precious love is biting her lip slightly unsure of how we will react now that this huge secret is out in the open.
„That's why you said it could get you guys killed. So you think that those enemies will try to kill you now even more?" I ask, suddenly remembering their earlier worry's back at the institute. That's why they took the girls memory of it, which makes me feel a little special to be honest. After all they must trust Alec and me enough to let us in on this!
„The moment we join our magic, there is nothing that could defeat us. That's why if anyone finds out about it, they will try to kill us. And your clave and silent brothers are no exception either! They would love to see us gone just like others." Elisa further explains to us and the last information not only shocks me but also makes me furious! There is no one coming anywhere near them! Not over my dead body! Looking towards Alec, he seems to be on the same picture as I am if his glare is anything to go by.
„Well, they can try but they surely won't come near you if they plan on hurting you. Forget even to kill you!" alec states firmly pulling Magnus even tighter into him once again. Sighing softly that my pair of a tie will be fighting alongside me if anyone dares hurt our loves. So I simply squeeze my precious little love tightly into my chest as well, kissing her head before leaning my head towards her hear. Her soft shudder makes me smile slightly.
„I won't let anyone hurt you precious, you have my word!" I promise her strongly against her ear, hoping she hears the truth and the promise within my statement.

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