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Elisa's pov:
After we explained some more of the topic with the two shadowhunters we went back to the institute.
„There you guys are! Why haven't you woken us?" Izzy asks already sitting in jaces room. How did she even know where we would come back to? The others look rather cool about it, am I really the only one that finds that strange. Slowly I lean my head to the side, only slightly so no one would notice it. My eyes concentrating on Izzy's head and heart. Just as I realized that this isn't Izzy but a shapeshifting demon, Alec starts to walk towards her.
„Stop!" i instruct and freeze Alec up much to everyone's shock. This way he however is completely protected from the demon that stands in front of him and all of us.
„Elisa?" Magnus questions irritated but knowing me long enough he understands that something isn't right here.
„That's not Izzy." I simply answer him before waving my hand slightly to pull Alecs stiff body behind my brother. When he finally is far enough away from the demon I remove my Hold on him so he is back with us.
„What? Izzy?" he asks irritated on why he suddenly is on the other side of the room again.
„No, not Izzy. A demon. Shapeshifting one. Isn't that right?" I say and lift an eyebrow at the look alike Izzy. For a second the demon looks surprised but than it simply changes into his true form. Now, an ugly looking octopus demon stands before us. What bothers me the most about it is how it got within this walls. It usually is impossible for demons to enter holy ground like this one. Not really in the mood to fight this thing, i simply shoot an energy ball onto it which makes it screech out in agony and than vanishes with smoke around it.
„How did you know it's not Izzy?" jace questions after staying quiet throughout this whole scene.
„I removed her memory. So from where would she of known where to find us. Where to wait for us. But I would like to go to the two girls room. Just to make sure they are fine. After all, a demon shouldn't of been able to come within this place! Something isn't right here!" I answer before speaking more urgently since I really was afraid for the girls safety. As if my statement made them realize that as well since they went to run out and towards the others room.
„Wait! We need to be careful. You nearly ran into her not a minute ago!" i Stop their eager running off. They now instead turn around to me, both of them looking kind of frantic but are trying to not simply run off like they just wanted to.
„What should we do them?" alec asks desperate and frightened for his sisters safety. Which I do understand perfectly well.
„We will go to there rooms, but firstly you need to get your weapons. After all we have no idea into what we are running into." I soothingly explain because simply running off wouldn't do us any good if there really are more demons around here. As if the last sentence rang a bell they quickly grab their pockets to come back empty handed.
„I have some weapons here." jace suddenly says and walks off to his dresser. With one little push he pulls the back of it away where he obviously hid pretty much every weapon this institute offers as well.
„Do i even want to know from where you got all those?" alec asks with a small smirk since he saw one of his bow and arrows in there as well.
„Things get lost on missions and others even break." his pair of a tie answers with a smirk plastered on his face. Even I can't hold back my giggle at their conversations and my normally stoic brother chuckles as well.
„Since we now are armed, let's look for my sister and Clary!" Alec says after they took what they need for any upcoming fights and events.
„Make sure to wait for my sign! We don't want to get the real ones killed nor us!" I instruct as we stopped in front of Izzy's room. Knocking softly on the door and after waiting for a moment without any reply, we enter. Me first, much to Jaces and Magnus annoyance and Alec's worry. The first thing I see is Izzy, the real Izzy laying on her bed. To her right, is a demon with his tentacles already holding out towards the still peacefully sleeping shadowhunter.
„Well, seems like demons aren't as brave as they used to if they are already go after sleeping shadowhunters." I say rather cheerily. The demon turns to me right away. A loud meaningful growl leaves his slot and it comes running straight at me. I don't even come to raise my hand before an arrow kills the ugly demon that tried to get to me. Nodding my thanks at Alec and than quickly make my way to a still peacefully sleeping Izzy. Softly I lay a hand on her head and not a second later she wakes up.
„What?" she questions completely confused on why we are all standing in her room.
„Long story short. Demons are within the institute, one looked like you and another one stood right next to you. So hurry, we need to see where Clary is!" his brother rattles of rather fast. Her eyes widen extremely and than hurry's out of her bed, her hand reaches under her bed and pulls out a long whip which as I have learned is her preferred weapon.
„You to? Seriously am I the only one who gives the weapons back into their designated room?" alec asks with slight annoyance.
„Pft, don't think i don't know your hidden stash brother heart." Izzy reply's with no hesitation at all. Her brother looks shocked but than he only shakes his head and kisses his sisters head lovingly.
„Let's look for Clary and afterwards go through the institute to see if there are anymore of those nasty things around!" jace says and off we went once again!

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