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Elisa's pov:
We now are back in the institute to talk about how we are going to attack Valentines hideout in Renwick. My baby girl is clinging tightly to me since all those new people around her are frightening her. What did however surprised me was how welcoming Maryse has been as she saw us. She even thanked us for our help. Magnus also had looked at me as if I think it's as strange as he himself thinks. I even thought that she might be possessed by a demon! This is so totally out of character for her! She even welcomed my baby girl with a wide and honest smile. Not that I would of allowed her to disrespect my baby, but it was a really nice surprise! Even her own two children an jace had been eyeing her strangely. Guess they haven't seen her like that as well.
„Eli? Do i have to go see that man again?" my daughters sweet voice pulls me out of my head. She seems frightened that she needs to face Valentine again, but she won't have to.
„No princess! You don't be anywhere near her. We will make sure of that!" jace promises her before I even get my mouth open to answer.  Her heavy sigh of relief makes me kiss her head softly. Did my baby really think I would allow that monster close to her ever again?
„Jace is right sweetheart. You don't have to see him ever again." I add to reassure her even more of that. Instead of answering to that she only cuddles closer into me with a small smile playing on her cute pink lips.
„Speaking Of it. Who will be staying with my sweetpea while we go there?" Magnus asks with a small frown. Well, that's a good question to be honest, but if I have to stay behind with my baby than I will. They are more than enough people anyway. Before I could however say that out loud jace once again answered for me.
„Elisa could stay with the little princess. I am sure that way she will feel the safest. And there are plenty other shadowhunters coming along to help, therefore it shouldn't be so difficult to catch him." he voices his opinion with a small smile on his lips. His eyes shining as he watches my baby girl cuddled into my side so sweetly. Magnus along with the others nod along with what he had just said, seemingly happy with it as well.
„If you guys should need help you could always call for me." I say after placing yet another kiss on top of my baby's head. I can't stop to do so though, it's obvious that she is in complete need of affection so who wouldn't do that!? Well, someone without a heart!?
„That's final than. Is everyone else ready already?" Magnus says with relieved eyes before he went back to business.
„When we get there, we safe my mum first right?" Clary asks with tear strained eyes. Why she is crying now I have no idea. I personally thought she would be ecstatic but she is kind of strange and rather soft. Not that I don't care for feelings, it's just that I know how to hide them. She on the other hand only knows how to overload everyone around her with her feelings. The complete opposite of me I would say.
„We will go there and try to stay safe. Since we don't know where exactly everyone is going to be, we need to work through the whole building. Whatever we find first is the thing we will deal with first." alec answers her matter of factly. Seeing her trying to protest I lift my hand in the air to stop her right away.
„Clary, they all are currently risking their life to safe your mum and catch valentine! So you would be wise to stay quiet and let them do as they decide to. We all don't know the complete layout from the old hospital so we need to be extra careful." I explain after taking a deep breath to try to stay calm even though my inner turmoil is starting to rise. That girl seems to push my buttons without her even trying!!
„You aren't even going along so don't try to boss me around!" she screams in my face. I wouldn't of cared at her childish outburst or her degrading me, but she woke MY daughter who had been happily asleep in my arms. Her yelling has woken her up and got her right into a panic. Of course it did since she only ever knew pain at the hand of that asshole! She surely thinks she is back in their arms again.
„It's ok baby girl! It's me, you are safe! Shh, you are safe sweetheart!" I soothingly tell her and softly away around in hopes of calming her again. Her wide and fearful eyes look at me and than hugs me extremely tightly.
„Don't Give me back to them! Please! I will be good I promise!" she gets out through her choked up sobs. This is breaking my heart! Why would she ever think I would give her back to them? She is literally the best thing that ever happened to me!!
„I know that you are good baby girl! And there is no reason to worry, that i will give you back. That will never happen! Do you hear my baby girl? You won't go back there ever!" I soothingly tell her and slowly her hiccups seem to subside. Softly I kiss her head a few times to reassure her that I mean it.
„Promise my love! You will forever stay with me. That is if you want that." I quietly whisper in her ear. Slightly afraid she might not like the idea but I just needed to tell her. Maybe that will convince her how sure of that I am.
„You, you won't give me to someone else?" she softly asks with wide and hopeful eyes. The smile on my lips comes there automatically at seeing her like that.
„Of course not!! I already see you as my daughter. So as long you don't want to leave you will stay with me." I answer her sincerely. Her face right away splits in two from smiling so brightly. Those big brown eyes are shining in pure joy as well. And that's just how I want her to look forever. The best part however is that she wants to stay with me. It's not just me who wants her to stay but so does she and that means the world to me.
„Thank you!" she mumbles and kisses my cheek before hiding her head under my chin again. Well, since my baby is back to her happy little self it's time to deal with that ungrateful girl. I swear if looks could kill she would already be at least seven feet under the earth!
„Magnus, could you maybe take the little cutie for a second. I am afraid I need to talk with Clary." I say trying to keep my voice as neutral as possible to not worry my little love again. Instead of worrying though, she only kisses my cheek again before she reaches out towards my happily smiling brother.
„A word Clarissa!" I instruct and send her a glare that makes her swallow in fear. Deserves her right thought!! No one scares MY daughter and gets away with it!!!

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