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Elisa's pov:
Feeling a small waver in my stomach, I slightly sit up straighter on the cushion my brother made me sit on. After a deep breath I concentrate my power on seeing which of my clients is in current danger. With a heavy sigh and not too much surprise I realize its Jocelyn Fray. Magnus who has been sitting opposite of me lifts an eyebrow at me in a silent question. I however only shrug in reply. If it would of been someone else I might have gone and see if I could help, but Jocelyn has given me strict instructions to not come for her sake if something like this would happen. Why you may want to know? Well, she has stolen the mortal cup from her husband. A cup that could end my whole race as well as every other downworlder. She also hid along with his own child of whom he had no idea she was already carrying. So she made me promise to in no circumstances safe her, she simply asked me to please watch out for her daughter. A daughter that has absolutely no idea of what she truly is. Since Jocelyn didn't know that Magnus and I were related, she went to him for assistance as well. She thought it would be safer if he would take her daughters memory's away, since she thought two warlocks would be better than one. Well, that's what I thought of it when Magnus told me about it. Maybe she wasn't sure if she could trust me fully and that's why she divided the task in half. Who knows what she was thinking back than.
„Jocelyn is in danger." i tell my still watching brother who simply sighs heavily.
„It's nothing we haven't warned her off. The talk around the downworld has become more specific, so it was only a question when Valentine will finally find her." he replies and sips at his cocktail. I nod my head at his statements. We both have warned repeatedly the last few weeks on how the loop around her neck is getting tighter, but of course she didn't believe us. That or she was hoping against hopes.
„That's correct dear brother of mine, that however also means that I need to go out to look for her daughter now. I did promise her to make sure she was safe." I answer and empty my own cup of tea, preferring the soothing taste of fruity goodness to alcoholic stuff that Magnus chooses.
„Shall I accompany you?" he questions with curiosity. He never understood why I would willingly promise a shadowhunter anything. Especially without any payment. I however did it for the child. Knowing fully well how scared and lonely Clarrissa must feel now. Alone in a world she never had any knowledge of. I once were in pretty similar shoes as she is now. However I had a brother that took me under his wings. Teached me everything i needed to learn and always was there for me. Even till to this day.
„I should be fine. Thank you for the offer though." I answer him and stand up from the comfortable cushion. He stood up as well to hug me once again tightly into his chest.
„Of course you will be fine. But as your brother I still am allowed to worry. Especially if there are shadowhunters involved. You know i don't trust them, and for good reasons might I addd!" he softly lectures me. Knowing that he certainly never will change his mind off shadowhunters, I don't say anything about them. I simply hug both his cheeks before I swipe my arm in front of me to open up a portal. Jocelyn has given her daughter a necklace so I could easily find her for this exact reason.
„Call me when you get back to your apartment or if you need any help." magnus instructs once more with worry lacing his every word. So I plaster a reassuring smile on my lips before turning around to face him again. The second he sees my smile he relaxes some more again.
„Will do big brother. You stay safe as well!" I reply and than walk right into the portal. To my utter surprise I now am standing in the middle of a dance club. The hell is she doing here? She is only fifteen, so this certainly isn't an environment she should be in!! Seeing some boys looking at me with hungry eyes I simply role my eyes. How pathetic are boys and man nowadays. I don't even wear something extraordinarily to have them luster over me. With a quick afterthought I pull my long brown wavy hair into a ponytail. You can never know when you get into a fight. Girl problems, i know! Slowly i walk through the club in search of her bright ginger red hair and to no disappointment i see them not long after. What did surprise me though is that she headed into a janitor room. The heck does she want in there!? When i come closer and hear distinct voices inside it, i got really curious. Is she bipolar? Jocelyn would of told me if she was, right? On the other hand, she couldn't see anyone from the shadow world. Her mother made sure she hasn't the sight so to speak. So with no further thoughts on the topic, I open the door. Clarissa was standing with her back to me, slightly hidden from the others standing around the corner.
„I won't ask you again! Are there more of you around here?" I hear a threatening voice ask. Ugh, just my luck that she ran right into a shadowhunter on the hunt! But how can she even see them? That shouldn't be possible after what her mother had told me!
„Just kill it already Jace!" a feminin voice exclaims bored out of her mind it seems.
„I could give you information on Valentines whereabouts!" the now scared demon splutters out. Well, not all demons are tough as nail I guess.
„Not you too! The hell is wrong with you downworlders!? We all know where Valentin is! He is in hell, where you will be joining him in no time!" the first voice says, obviously bored now too.
„Stop!" Clarissa suddenly jumps in between the three shadowhunters and the strapped demon. How dumb is that girl?!
„You can't simply kill someone!! I am going to call the cops!" she yells and threatens them. They don't seem really worried, however highly irritated on how she can possibly see them.
„You can see us?" the blond one asks in astonishment. The furrowed brows of the Fray girl is honestly priceless, looks like she indeed is entertaining!
„Of course I can! What idiotic question is that?" she asks back pretty pissed. Hmm, she really doesn't know anything about this world. But than again, how did she get the sight? With all their arguing and the stares they are giving one another they haven't noticed that the demon has gotten out of his bounds. He smirks at them and suddenly jumps towards them. So like the good warlock I am, I hold out my hand and freeze him up still in the air. Their loud gasps only make me role my eyes once again.

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