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Elisa's pov:
After I had my very interesting conversation with Clary I walk straight back to my brother. Missing the weight of my baby girl in my arms already. Magnus doesn't even need me to say anything before he hands my love over to me. His eyes afterwards go over towards Clarissa to watch her from top to bottom with intensity.
„I didn't expect to see you standing when you get back to us." he simply states and turns back into Alec's open arms. Warm hands suddenly engulf me as well, when the soothing smell of jace however surrounds me I sigh in happiness. With my baby girl in my arms and his strong arms around me I feel completely at home.
„Simply has a talk with her and I highly doubt she will forget how to never scare my daughter again." I answer my brothers prior statement. Soft lips then press on my head, just like I have done the hole time with my baby. It's quit soothing if I am honest with you.
„I am afraid we should get going now." Izzy says with a small pout on her face. She has been making funny faces at my baby to get her to giggle the whole time.
„That's understandable. The faster you leave the quicker you will come back again." I answer her with an honest smile. Izzy really has become a good friend of mine. Which is pretty unusual since I normally don't get along so good with girls, well woman's.
„Make sure you all come back in one piece." I say with slight worry in my voice. Normally I never stay out of any fight but I simply can't leave my baby girl behind. Especially not when she is so afraid since we only just got her out of that assholes hands. Taking her along with me to fight Valentine and getting Jocelyn out of there is also an absolute no go!! I won't ever risk her life in any way or form. Maybe I will take her along with me later on to fetch Dots old caro cards. Since no one knows where the mortal cup is, there should be no problem in fetching it. Dot also got killed by Valentin another reason to go there to get it before someone else gets their hands on it.
„Precious, where did you went in that head of yours?" jace questions with a low chuckle which in turn makes his chest vibrate against my back. Slowly and careful to not squeeze my baby girl too tightly, I turn around to be face to face with that really handsome and special shadowhunter.
„Wouldn't you like to know." I whisper back with a smile on my lips. His eyes shining even brighter after my statement as prior.
„Well, why don't we talk about it when I get back from Renwick?" he says with an eyebrow raised in the air which makes him look rather sexy. That however isn't a thought I should be having right now. Not before he runs off to fight one of the most feared man and definitely not with my daughter in my arms.
„Ok, but to do so you have to come back first." I say slightly ashamed of sounding so weak. Jace however is the first to ever get this side of me out in the open. Other than Magnus of course! He doesn't count though because he is family and family is known to get all those feelings out of one another.
„I will do my best. Have two very good reasons to come back." he softly whispers in my ear before he kisses my baby girls forehead and my cheek with love shining in his eyes. Feeling a deep blush creeping onto my cheeks that get even deeper the longer his knowing eyes are starring directly at me. So I do what i need to do, to at least not embarrass myself even more, which is to hurriedly hide my face under his chin. Which might be a big of a cowardly move but I know he won't judge me, at least that's what I think.
„There is no need to ever hide from me precious. I love how I can get you to blush so sweetly for me." he naughtily whispers in my ear yet again and of course my blush deepens even more. Ugh, that guy is seriously going to make my face melt off of me!
„Stop it!" i slightly whine in hope that he might listens to me. Instead of answering me though he only pulls me a bit tighter into me. I somehow still feel how he makes sure to not hurt the little cutie in my arms.
„Never! Especially not if that's the easy way of getting you in my arms." he says quietly while once again looking me straight in my eyes. And I honestly can't believe what he has just said. Does he honestly only say all those things to make me hide myself in his chest or under his chin?
„If you only do it because of that, why haven't you said so? I like cuddles, would of cuddled with you if I knew you like them too." I shyly reply. Softly playing with my baby girls curly hair to have something to do and not have to look at jace. A single finger however won't allow me to look somewhere other than directly at jace.
„I usually don't care for cuddles at all." he says and my smile vanish right away. I knew it was dumb of me to say something so cheesy out aloud. I don't even know this guy for that long!
„Let me finish before going back off in your head again precious." he softly says, so I nod as best as I can with his finger still holding my chin upwards. Hoping that he will say what he wants to say so I can go and hide myself in my apartment to cry myself to sleep!
„But I absolutely love to cuddle with you. Love having you close to me and my little princess is a nice bonus of having you!" he softly and quietly says so no one other than I can hear it. My eyes quickly tear up in joy! Is this really true? Does he really think like that? On the other hand why should he lie about it. He also looks completely sincere as he said it.
„Really?" I ask anyway needing to be completely sure.
„A hundred percent sure precious! How about the three of us go out after I get back? And I mean on a date. Just to make sure you are on the same page here." he answers with a certain glint in his eyes. Something that looks kind of hope and uncertainty. Does he really think I wouldn't want to go on a date with him!? Smiling brightly at him and nodding my head like I am some crazy girl which technically I am right now. Who cares thought!? Jace just asked me out on a date including my daughter! That's just the best day ever!!!
„I would love that!" I say with an excited giggle. Hearing the others slowly getting impatient since they already want to head out.
„Even more reason to come back to my two girls." he says after sighing towards the others.
„We will end our talk during dinner!" he says and softly kisses my lips and afterwards my daughters head with a smile playing on his gorgeous lips.
„Stay safe!" I shout after them and get some nods in reply and a wink from my brother. Seriously!? He is the last to talk, afterglow he also holds onto Alec's hand like a lifeline!
„So, what now baby girl? Want to go back home?" I question and get an excited nod in reply. Well, let's head home than. How incredible that sounds, home!

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