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Elisa's pov:
Slowly I drift out of a deep sleep. A warm body holding me tightly I to it which makes me feel all safe and loved. That's why I decided to stay like that, way too comfortable to leave this comfy bed and even more comfortable chest. Sadly, my brain starts to slowly work again which makes me realize that I have no idea on how I got here! The last thing I know is that Maryse wanted me to follow her into their cctv room to help looking for the traitor that helped the demons come into the institute. So with a confused frown on my still sleep red face I turn towards the body who is currently holding me tightly into himself.
„Shh precious! It's just me, no need to worry." Jace deep and soothing voice whispers, making his chest vibrate against me yet again. A dreamy sigh leaves my lips without my doings.
„Sorry for falling asleep against you." I apologize in shame. He surely had way more important things to do instead of holding me while I sleep. Maryse also is going to be pissed at him. Surely more at me, but other than him I don't care in the slightest.
„Nothing to apologize precious. I enjoyed myself very much." he answers and winks cheekily. Of course my cheeks burn in embarrassment. How can he say something like this without being embarrassed at all!? That's so not fair!
„Sorry precious! I didn't meant to embarrass you. Simply meant to say that I enjoyed it a lot to hold you and make sure nothing or no one try's to hurt you." he softly says as if apologizing for his forwardness. Soothingly I take a few more deep breaths before I nod my understanding. Still I keep my head hidden under his chin, not liking for him to see my bright blush.
„How pissed is Maryse now for falling asleep instead of helping?" I ask after yet another breath. Wanting to get her warth out of the way as quick as I possibly can. His deep chuckles shake my whole body that somehow is now laying completely on top of him.
„Surprisingly she accepted it without much scolding. Your brother quickly shot her a dark look before he explained how you transforming takes a lot of energy out of you." he explains after he finally was able to stop with his chuckles. Somehow I was sad about that thought, loving the sound of his laughs and chuckles. Well, who am I kidding, I love pretty much everything about him. Except how he acted at the beginning, that was simply annoying if you ask me!
„That's only partly true though." I whisper not wanting to lie to him at all. It might not was me who said that but I don't want to leave him in this thinking. He doesn't vocally answers me, only turns us around so he now is hovering on top of me. His eyes sparkling in joy but his head slightly turned to the side, making him look like a confused puppy.
„The tracking takes a lot of Energy." i explain softly and he right away seems to understand what I try to tell him. His head nodding quickly as if this made way more sense to him than what my brother has said.
„So transforming yourself isn't tiring at all?" he questions interested. My face twitches slightly at that, not knowing on how to answer that honestly but also so he will understand it.
„You don't have to answer precious. If it makes you uncomfortable that's fine as well." he is quick to say after he sees my face changing.
„That's not it. I am trying to think about how to answer you without further questions coming up." I say softly. One of my hands held up in the air to signal him to wait a second to get my head working.
„The easiest way to answer that is by saying no. It's not tiresome at all. However if I do it often within a short period of times than it can make me weaker by every change. It also depends on where I change. So there honestly is no easy way to answer that question. I am sorry." i try to use the easiest words on explaining it. And to my joy he seems to understand it right away. His face slowly gets closer to mine and just as I thought I am going to turn my face away, his lips softly peck mine. The kiss however was so soft that it nearly felt like a feather brushing over mine. It however was long enough to realize that his lips are slightly harder than those of Magnus and definitely mine. They now are pulled in a wide smile which in turn makes me smile as well.
„Thank you for explaining that to me precious! That means a lot to me!" he whispers against my ear. Softly he kisses my forehead as well and than pulls me once again on top of him. This closeness feels really lovely, especially since I never had any experience of it ever before in my life. Of course Magnus has cuddled me and kisses my forehead or cheeks lovingly but never someone else. Now all of my brothers explanations and story's start to make sense to me. How it is the best feeling to wake up with someone holding you tightly and protective. How incredible it is to know that there is someone that cares so deeply for you that nothing else matters to them more than you. And definitely on how one single brush of lips on yours can make you feel like you can touch the sky! A soft knock sadly gets me out of my inner thoughts.
„Hey! Is Elisa finally awake?" said older brother questions in a hushed tone so he won't wake me. With a smile plastered on my lips I turn around to look at him.
„Just woke up a few minutes ago." I answer his question with a slight giggle. His whole face lights up at hearing it and seeing me awake again. With open arms he steps towards the bed so I quickly cuddle into him the second he got close enough to me to reach him.
„You had me worried Eli! It's rare for you to sleep this long, even after what earlier happened." he says after sighing in relieve. I softly kiss his cheek to apologize for worrying him. Especially after he nearly lost me yesterday with the demon attack.
„Did you find out how they got within this walls?" I question since I still don't know how that's even possible. For ages demons where never able to enter any whole ground!
„Someone let them in. They also had a weak spell around them which hid their essence." Magnus answers with a growl of distaste that some other warlock would do something like that.
„Who?" i ask him as darkly. Hating that some of my people are on valentines side! He after all wants us all dead so why is anyone helping him!?
„A small girl name Madzie. She surely is getting lied to, otherwise she wouldn't do that. It is also strange that she has no family around her as well." he answers, his glare deepen even more. And I know why! That only can mean that her family got killed simply to use her for her magic! How dare them!?
„Well, than I suggest we get her out of their arms!" I say matter of factly.

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