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Elisa's pov:
After my sweet little baby girl had run off to play some more in her room, I decided to call my good friend Raphael in hope that he will be able to look after my baby so I can run to fetch the mortal cup. Obviously I won't take her along with me for that since I don't know for sure that no one has figured out where the cup is hidden. So instead of taking my sweetheart into a battlefield I make sure she will be taken good care in my absence. To my relief Raphael agreed to come to my place right away to help. Till now he doesn't know with what exact I need help with, but I know he will watch my baby girl for me.
„Elisa? What's the matter? You have me really worried!" came to worry laced voice from Raphael. An appreciated smile grows on my lips, always knew that he is a great friend.
„Raphael! I am happy you came here right away!" I say with relief and pull him into a tight hug. His worried face thought doesn't change in the slightest.
„What happened? How can I help?" he asks me still holding me protectively in his strong arms.
„I adopted a sweet little girl that I got out of valentines grasps." I slowly explain after checking that my baby is still playing in her room. Raphael looks rather stunned at my statement but nods his head to make me go on with my explanation.
„i need to quickly go somewhere where it might be dangerous, that's why I don't want to bring her along. So that's why I wanted to ask you to please watch her till i get back." i ask slightly desperate for his help. Normally I would of asked Magnus for his assistance but he currently is off fighting Valentine and his circle.
„You seriously want me to watch a small girl? Aren't you afraid I will hurt her? After all I am a vampire!?" he asks me slightly hesitant and sad that he may would do just that. But other than him I know that he would never do such a thing. Softly I lay a hand on his cheek with a smile on my lips still in pace.
„Other than you i trust you completely to keep my baby safe. It also won't take me long." I earnestly answer his unsure face kind of softens at my trust for him.
„Why don't I introduce you to her before you decide?" I ask him and see his shoulders straighten before he nods in answer. Taking his hand in mine I start to lead us to my baby's room. Softly I knock on the door before opening it to see her cutely playing with two Teddy's.
„Baby Girl, can I introduce you to a really good friend of mine?" I ask the small girl that looks at me with her eyes full of trust. With a shy smile she looks at Raphael. Softly she places her Teddy's on a blanket and than slowly walks towards the both of us.
„Hi." She cutely whispers towards an awh struct Raphael. His eyes already shining with love at my baby.
„Hi darling! It's really great to meet you." he says soothingly since he surely can hear her fast heartbeat.
„With Who were you playing so nicely with?" he adds to hopefully soothes her even more. Her eyes quickly brighten at his question and a cute giggle escapes her mouth.
„Teddy and Baloo! The two and I were just having a tea party!" she explains happily. Already knowing that he surely will watch my baby for me, I scoot down next to her.
„Raphael is going to watch you for a little while. Is that alright with you baby girl?" I ask the now slightly afraid girl. Hating to see her like that I quickly scoot her up in my arms and kissing her forehead softly.
„You really don't need to be afraid of Raphael sweetheart. He won't ever hurt you. Quit the opposite! He is here to make sure you are safe till I get back." I softly explain to the now teary eyed girl. Seeing her like this is really breaking my heart but I simply can't take her along with me. I would never will be able to forgive myself if something would happen to her!
„You will come back? Right?" she asks me with a small whimper. And that's when I finally realize that she isn't at all afraid of Raphael but afraid of me not coming back to her. Of course she has separating issues after she already lost her family because of Valentine who only hurt and used her.
„Of course I will come back baby girl! Nothing will ever make me not come back to you!" I promise her earnestly. Seeing her sighing in relieve puts a small smile on my lips.
„Pinky promise?" she shyly asks and holds out her right pinky for me. Smiling brightly at her immens cuteness, I right away curl my pinky around hers.
„Pinky promise!" I state strongly which makes her giggle happily right away. Softly she kisses my cheek before she holds her hands out towards a silently observing Raphael. Without a word he carefully takes my baby out of my hands with a soft expression on his face.
„You can play tea party with me till Eli comes back." she states with hopeful eyes and the usual tough vampire right away agrees to it with love shining in his eyes.
„Stay safe Elisa and don't worry about your little darling, I will keep her safe till you come back." he tells me with a promise in his tone. Nodding my head in pure relief, I once again kiss my baby's forehead and thank Raphael before opening a portal to get to dots place. Hopefully this goes smoothly so I can get back to my baby girl in no time! With one last wave towards the now on the ground sitting duo, I go through the portal. To my luck I already made myself invisible since I could right away pick up some voices. Quietly I walk to the small table where the cards usually lay on, I right away see two circle members looking around the apartment with scowls on there faces. They seem to have already trashed the apartment in their frantic search, well, seems like they don't know where Jocelyn has hidden the mortal cup which is rather good. With one last step towards the small table, I grab the cards and pull them in my pocket so they won't be able to see them. Afterwards I as quietly make my way away from them again to quickly get back to my baby girl. Thinking about my baby though makes me remember that those people had hurt my daughter. So with new found rage i turn back around to them and snap their necks with one quick hand movement. Serves them right! So with a small smirk in place I open yet another portal to hurry back to the old book store. After making sure that I am completely alone and out of eyesight from everyone I pull out the cards again. Quickly I get to the right card before taking a deep breath and than grab within the card to grab the mortal cup. With a relieved smile I finally have this dangerous cup in my grasp. Taking yet another deep breath, I concentrate on making the cup invisible and hide it within my own minds before adding a block in my brain so no one other than me will find it nor will they be able to get out where it is ever. Happy that this threat is finally dealt with, I open the portal to get back home and to my sweet little baby girl.

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