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Elisa's pov:
Having finished my food already while the others still eat their share, I send Magnus a look. He stands up right away much to everyone's surprise, after all he just loaded his plate once again full of pancakes.
„If you would excuse us for a minute. Elisa and i need to talk about something important." he states because they surely would of asked anyway. They looks slightly suspicious on why we would need to talk alone so suddenly but in the end they only nod and went back to eating their breakfast.
Standing in one of the far corners of the room now, I slightly wave my hand a little and we were blocked off from everyone.
„Do you think that we should track her down? Not only will it endanger us but Jocelyn kept on telling us not to go after her if something like that would happen to her." he questions thoughtful. Sighing a little, after all he is completely right with what he just said. Still it feels wrong to let her die if we could possibly help her. Valentine is a threat not only for Jocelyn but also for the whole world. He wants to eliminate the whole downworld, try to turn most if not all mundains into shadowhunters with the help of the mortal cup. Which will kill at least eighty percent of them!
„I know, but Jocelyn is a friend. A friend that currently gets tortured and afterwards killed the second they got out of her what they want to know." I slightly argue with what he had said.
„She currently is sleeping. I made sure to put a spell on her, the second she gets caught by the circle she fell into a coma. At least she can't feel any of what they do to her. As you said, she is a friend." he answers me lowly. That information alone lets me breath a little easier again. The knowledge alone that she won't feel whatever that sick ass is putting her through.
„Why haven't you told me? I was worried sick!" I ask with realization. He could of told me! Instead of answering he only shrugs his shoulders. Typical Magnus!!
„Clarissa sacrificed her memory to safe my life. I don't think I could live with that sort of debt to her. Especially since I know that there is a way and tracking her mother." I say with my shoulder hanging a little. How should I ever be able to look Clary in the eyes after her mother died because we weren't willing to try everything possible to safe her. Hearing the heavy sigh of Magnus makes me look in his eyes once again.
„You are right. We never were good at sitting around instead of helping our friends." he says after yet another heavy sigh.
„Just promise me to be careful after this gets out in the open." he desperately begs of me. Throwing my arms around his head to pull him into a tight hug.
„Thank you Magnus!" I say relieved that he is willing to help me on this. His chuckle makes me feel even more happy.
„Don't think i have forgotten that you haven't promised me yet!" he mutters in my hair since we still are in a tight embrace with one another.
„I will! But you need to be careful as well, promise?" I instruct and even pull my pinky towards him. Well, you may think pinky swears are something childish. But let me tell you they are not! Especially those made with two warlocks, it's like a really strong spell that will make sure that you won't go against that promise. Without any hesitation he curls his pinky around mine.
„That's settler than!" he says before he makes the blockade vanish into thin air. We still stand really close together with our pinky's linked together. It surely must of looked funny to any onlookers.
„Back just in time it seems. We were just debating on eating your abounded food." Izzy tells Magnus with a small laugh. The others quickly join in as they see his terrified face. He hurry's to said food and sighs in relieve when he sees it's nothing missing from it at all.
„Wouldn't Of let them." alec softly stats and smiles shyly at my brother.
„Clary, if I told you there is one other way of finding your mum." I start to ask what she would do, but I was right away interrupted by her shouted out what way! The others also watch with interest since they have no idea how else they could find Jocelyn's or Valentines whereabouts.
„Two ways to be exact. One that might not lead us anywhere and one bulletproof one." I slowly say. Nervously biting my bottom lip since I am this close and letting out a very good kept secret.
„bulletproof way of killing us." magnus mutters still a bit disgruntled. That however makes everyone look in between the both of us. Jace and Alec obviously worried while the two girls look unsure if they should agree on it or even wanting to know what he meant.
„If it's that dangerous than we shouldn't do it! We already broke way to many clave rules anyway." alec says already declining the idea, Jace who normally would agree on anything only nods in agreement as well.
„It wouldn't be dangerous for you. But for Magnus and me." I say to further explain since my brother made it sound like it would kill us all.
„And you agreed to it not five minutes ago!" I accusingly say to him. Hating that he threw me into the shark tank after he did agree to it as well. He takes a deep breath before he nods once to assure that he still was on board with it.
„We won't risk you getting killed either!" jace says as if we or more like I am stupid. Slowly and with elegance Magnus walks over to me, his hand held out to mine to take in mine.
„Jocelyn is a friend of ours and Clary sacrificed her memory's who could of helped her find her mother, simply to safe Eliza. So we are offering to help in any way we possibly can. We however won't offer again. Think about it all you want. I would however appreciate it if this conversation won't leave that room." Magnus tells them matter factly. Leaving the decision for Clary to make. The two boys look rather pissed that he even told them more about it however especially pissed that he sided with me.
„We still won't allow you two to risk your life's simply because you think you had to do so!" alec seethes out angrily. He even goes e step further by pulling Magnus flush against his.
„I won't risk losing you!" he whispers so no one other than the three of us could hear it. A happy squeal leaves my lips at hearing that! Absolutely ecstatic that Alec cares so much about my brother already. I even had to stop myself from jumping into their shared hug, instead I bounce on the spot since I am not able to hold the excitement in.
„Well, isn't there someone excited?" Jace chuckled suddenly standing extremely close behind me. His breath fanning over my neck and making me shudder slightly.
„Back off shadowhunter!" Magnus growls slightly and pulls me back into his arms with a slight frown. Now back in his tight embrace I feel all safe and loved again. That's what his hugs always felt to me and that's how he held me ever since I can remember.
„Clary, you can't really risk their lives! That's completely selfish of you!" Izzy says in disbelief. Her face turned in an angry glare and her posture stiff as a rot.
„You don't understand Izzy! That's my mother!! She is my absolute everything! And it's not like I told them to help me, they offered their help!" Clary reply's her angry as well.
„They May offered but that doesn't mean you have to accept it! You are willingly sending them to their death!" alec growls out his eyes burning in murder and distaste. Clary scoots back as if his glare scared her so much she didn't want to be any closer to him.
„You all act like you wouldn't accept their help within a heartbeat as well!" she defends herself by accusing the others.
„I wouldn't even think about it!" jace answers her and you can hear that it's the simply truth what he just said.
„If YOU go after Valentine it would be understandable since he has your mother! But since now you haven't done anything useful in helping, other than sending us into danger while you watched!" alec adds his parabatais earlier statement just as cold as ice. This seem to shook her to the core or at least as if that statement hit her like a physical blow!

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