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Elisa's pov:
When I wake up it's to a loud squealing sound and an even louder disgruntled voice. Wanting to rub my eyes I realize that I can't do that. Strange! Why can't I lift my arms? Blinking my eyes a few times to get my vision clear only to turn bright red at seeing me cuddled up against Jace. His arms engulf me and press me into his humongous chest. Guess that's why I can't lift my eyes, he simply has a too strong grip on me.
„How are you feeling today Elisa? Did he touch you or did anything else I need to know?" Magnus questions with a smile before scowling at jace who still was fast asleep.
„I am good. Thoroughly rested. How about you? You didn't look too good yesterday." I answer and ask in reply. Worried that he might still isn't feeling good since he pushed all his power into me to help me heal up again.
„Now that I know that you are good I am perfectly fine as well. You had me worried!" he says, softly caressing my cheek before he leans over to kiss my forehead lovingly.
„You guys looked so cute together! Even a little cuter than Alec and Magnus did!" Izzy sequels along with a giggling Clary and an embarrassed Alec. His hair looks rather mused up. Lifting a questioning brow at my brother, wanting to know what had occurred between them. He looks rather pleased with himself, Alec also looks more relaxed that he had the last few days. Instead of answering me he try's to pry away Jaces arm from around me. The key word is try's thought. Instead of getting me loose he gets pinned down from a rather pissed Jace. His sword already on my brothers neck which lets me shout out in panic.
„Jace stop it!! That's Magnus for fucks sake! Get off of him!" Alec nearly roars out with a murderous glare on his face. Well, guess my brother isn't the only one who set his eyes on someone. Said someone obviously likes him back! That little show just shown me that blatantly obvious.
„What? Where is Elisa?" jace asks with wide eyes. Frantically looking around the room until his eyes fix on me still sitting in the same spot I had been laying in the whole night.
„Please let him go!" I whimper out, afraid for my brothers life and safety. Not ready to loose him, not ever! The sword leaves his neck right away and his body also falls to the side. With a hurried jump I get in Magnus arms. Caressing his back to ensure myself that he really is here.
„Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" I question while looking him over from head to toe. His chuckle make me relax again.
„I am fine. Don't worry your pretty little head about me." he answers and kisses both my cheeks to calm me down further.
„Are you sure you are alright Magnus?" Alec asks him softly. His eyes shine in worry as well.
„One little shadowhunter won't do anything to me. Still, I do appreciate all your worry's." Magnus exclaims with a chuckle and an roll of his eyes. A warm hand softly lays on my shoulder makes me look back at a guilty looking Jace.
„I am sorry! It wasn't my intention to hurt your  boyfriend." he says with his head hanging low in shame.
„He isn't my boyfriend and I know that you didn't mean to. It was a reflex is all." I answer irritated since I already told them yesterday. He at first seems shocked but than he pulls me into a tight hug. I don't know if he is so relieved that I wasn't mad or that I wasn't dating Magnus.
„So, if you guys aren't together as an item, does that mean that you only hook up with one another on occasions? I mean, let's be honest the two of you act like you were dating." Izzy questions pretty interested like always when it comes to anyone's love story. Even Clary seems to perk up a little. I simply look at Magnus, waiting for him to explain the situation since I simply don't want to get bothered with it.
„Elisa and i grew up together. We always had a close bond, have been the best of friends ever since we were children." he simply explains with a small shrug at the end.
„So no to the dating than, but what about the hookups? I mean, you did both talk about Michelangelo being great in bed yesterday." Clary asks with a small giggle. For the first time since I saw her in the club she has a smile plastered on her lips.
„Sorry to disappoint but no hookups what so ever. Well and Michelangelo was someone that enjoyed different types and beings every other night. My guess is that in that timeframe there was no one in appropriate age range he hadn't had in his bed." I answer this time with a giggle at the end. Remembering how he wanted to enjoy every aspect of human contact. He was a very great lover in bed. Always wanted to please so he got pleased in return. I even learned a few tricks from him!
„So you guys never?" Alec asks with utter relief.
„No, we never and we never will!" I answer to which Magnus nods along with a small wink to me.
„Anyway, what is the plan for the day? You know since the most important questions have been now answered." Magnus asks cheekily and a look I couldn't quit catch towards Alec.
„That's an easy question and i just happen to know the answer to that!" I happily say and snip my finger to make an array of breakfast food appear for all of us. They all look kind of incredulously at me before the room fills with laughter. I simply shrug my shoulder at them and take a plate with my favorite on top of it. Pancakes with honey and fresh strawberries as well as raspberries and blueberries. A steaming cup of hot cocoa is already standing next to me, so no need to bother with any more drinks. When I was about to take the first bite a mouth suddenly takes my fork in its mouth. Shocked that someone would have the audacity to do that, I look at the person to whom the mouth belongs to. Well, you can guess who it was. Correct! Jace!
„That's not nice! There is plenty of food here for you all to take so there is absolutely no reason for you to steal mine!" I lecture him sternly. His eyes though shine in happiness that I once again have all my attention on him.
„That might be true, but I needed to make sure it's good before you get it. Wouldn't like for you to taste something sour!" he states with mischievousness in every word he says.
„Whatever." I mumble and cut up another piece of my food. This time I even am able to eat it myself!! Feeling eyes on me i look up to stare right into Magnus eyes. He seems curious on why I didn't through a fit like the last time I did as someone stole my food. Simply shrugging at him, not wanting to talk about it. Not now in front Of all of them.
„That's absolutely amazing! You have to teach Izzy how to do that." Alec states after swallowing down his last bite.
„Hey!" Izzy screams out furiously.
„How dare you disrespect my cooking skills!?" she wants to know with a deep frown.
„Sorry but I only use my magic. There is no knowledge on how to cook any of that." I reply making Izzy smirk widely at her brothers disappointment. Those two really are like cat and dog but than they love each other unconditionally. Their bond is really extraordinarily, even for me who nearly saw everything already.

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