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Jace has just ran out off the old hospital after he shortly talked with his pair of a tie and sister. To their luck nearly all shadowhunters have already left to go back to the institute so they could talk freely without anyone listening in on it. To the surprise of the young shadowhunters their mother has hugged them in front of everyone and she even encouraged Jace to follow his heart and go after Elisa.
„I am so unbelievable proud of you all!" Maryse tells them proudly which indicates the two siblings to look at one another with confusion. Never have they seen their mother act like this, like a true mother! Ever since the incident in the institute she seems way friendlier and also calmer. What that may mean? No idea! The only thing they do know, is that it kind of frightens them but on the other hand they definitely enjoy having a caring mother for once!
„Where is he?" Magnus voice booms through the hall. Surprising and frightening the three quietly talking family members. Quickly they have turned around, ready to defend themselves with everything within them. Alec however was the first to relax and smile softly towards the man who has stolen his heart with one look. He always was taught to never show your feelings because they are only going to weaken you, but whenever he sees Magnus, he doesn't care if he truly seems weaker. The only important thing to him is that his love was near and that makes him completely giddy. When he gets a better glimps Of his love though, he needs to take a double take. The usually calm and collected warlock looks rather pissed, no furious is the word he was looking for.
„Where is jace!?" he once again questions his fingers curled in tight fists and his eyes shining with fire of rage in them. Maryse softly pulls her children a bit behind her. Which was a hard task since alec only wants to go to his love. Make him feel all better again.
„He ran off to go to Elisa. Said he needs to explain everything to her since it wasn't as she surely is currently thinking." she answers the still fuming warlock. Magnus is quick to lift an eyebrow at what he was hearing, wanting an explanation himself. He swore he will never let anything or anyone hurt his baby sister! Somehow he trusted the young shadowhunter since he seemed very protective of her as well. Jace even said he would help them no matter against who! This meant a lot to the siblings but after seeing his baby sister so hurt and devastated he changed his mind on him. No one is allowed to make Elisa feel bad! The truth is, he has never seen her this open with anyone except him and it frightens him that this incident may make her pull away from love yet again. She always felt like she doesn't deserve love, that's why she never was in a relationship. And after seeing jace with kiss swollen lips she surely thinks that she has been right for all those years.
„Jace was fighting one of the circle members to safe Clary. As i came into the room myself the guy held her to himself with a sword on her neck. I was able to get his weapon out of his grasp and Jace quickly killed him." Izzy slowly starts to explain what had happened back then. Magnus simply lifts an eyebrow at her, not really caring what had happened other than those two kissing!
„That's when Clary suddenly bounced onto Jace and kissed him." she goes on ignoring the threatening growl that comes out of Magnus chest as well as his death glare.
„He pushes her off only a second or two later. He himself was rather pissed at her for doing it. It never was his intention to kiss her nor anyone else if it isn't Elisa. Believe me, i have known Jace for a very long time and he never ever looked at anyone other than Elisa with those love sick eyes." she finishes off with her explanation which seems to calm Magnus slightly down. When Alec finally made his way towards him, wanting his love to calm down since he hates to see him in such a frenzy, Magnus simply sighs as he feels Alecs strong arms around him. Slowly he inhales his chosen love interest scent which soothes him more and more. He keeps on nuzzling Alec's neck in delight of the closeness they currently have with one another. The calm atmosphere however was quickly disturbed by a panic Jace.
„She is gone! They left!" he shouts out before he crumbles on the floor with his arms around himself as if to try to comfort himself somehow. His breathing was pretty irregular and tears keep on rolling down his cheeks while he keeps on rocking back and forth like a lost child.
„She moves places. You hurt her very much." Magnus States still holding on to Alec. Others might have thought he simply loves to cuddle but he knows that he try's to not kill that shadowhunter for hurting his baby sister.
„I swear that was never my intention. Never ever would I if liked to hurt her! I love her!!" jace explains and begs for Magnus to understand and see the truth behind his statement since right now, he is the only one who know where his precious little love along with his sweet princess is. Magnus is his only chance of finding his family and getting them back. His heart is soaring with fear of never seeing them again, as well as knowing that he himself is the reason that his precious little love was so badly hurt that she moved away.
„Magnus please! I am begging you! Please get me to her so I can explain. Please!" he brokenly begs with the still quietly watching warlock. Magnus softly bites his lips in thought if it would be a good idea to get him to her. On the other hand, if he really was innocent and didn't initiate the kiss, wouldn't it be heartless to not give him the chance to explain everything? If it truly was as Izzy had explained, than it might even be a good idea to get those two in a room together to talk. Maybe than he won't have to see his sister once again shutting everything and everyone around her out. With questioning  eyes he looks up at alec, hoping he might be able to make the right decision.
„Don't you think your sister doesn't deserve the truth?" he asks him so quietly he nearly missed it. This question however made the decision for him. Alec is right, his sister deserves to know what had happened and than she can decide on her own if she gives him another chance or not. So after he deeply inhales Alec's scent once more he steps a little back.
„Alright. I get you to her." he starts to say and the kneeling shadowhunter right away jumps up in hope and delight.
„However, if she asks you to go than you are going to let her be for the rest of her or your life!" he adds after lifting one hand up to stop jace from saying anything. Without much thought the shadowhunter nods in agreement, simply feeling the need to explain everything to his precious little love. If she really decides to not forgive him, than he will accept it. Surely it will hurt him like hell and maybe even kill him since he honestly has no intent on living a second longer if he hasn't his family around himself. He won't be able to forgive himself for screwing the best thing in his life up. With a satisfied nod Magnus opens a portal to Elisa's new place. This way jace wouldn't know the location which only is a plus in his eyes anyway. After one more look back to his adoptive siblings and mother he steps into the portal, knowing deep down in his heart that if he won't be able to make this right with his precious little love, he won't see them again. He will make sure of that.

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