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Elisa's pov:
The whole shadowhunters were slightly angry at us for demanding to go to safe Madzie on our own. We however didn't care much for their opinion. If someone dares to take advantage of one of our kind, especially if it's a child, we need to help!
„Why can't we come along to help you?" Alec wants to know yet again. His hands holding tightly onto my brothers, his eyes shining in desperate need to be there for him.
„It's not like I don't want you to come along Alexander. I simply can't risk to loose you!" Magnus softly explains. Hoping that his chosen love will understand why we need to do this on our own.
„What about me!? What if I can't to bear loosing you too!!" Alec shouts out in pure agony and fright. I understand what he means, but there simply is nothing I can do about it. That's the reason I made sure Jace doesn't know that we will go on our own. Otherwise he would be just as frantic as his pair of a tie is right about now. That however will change if we won't leave soon! He surely will come back with all his chosen weapons.
„Magnus, it's Time." i say in apology. Knowing he doesn't want to leave his lover like that but if we want to do it our way than we have to go! A heavy sigh leaves his lips. Slowly he leans closer to him before he kisses Alec softly.
„I will be back in no time!" he whispers soothingly. With one last look to a devasted  looking Alec and to the rest of the little gang we have formed within the shadowhunters, I open a portal that will get us to the house sweet little Madzie is getting hold hostage in.
„What's going on? Alec? Where is your arrow and bow?" Jace irritated voice asks from the other side of the room. Knowing that i won't be able to leave if he asks me to stay or demands to come along, I hurriedly go through the portal, Magnus My always loyal and protective brother right behind me. Quickly I shut the portal behind us so they won't be able to follow us.
„Are you alright Eli?" he asks me softly. He has laid his hand on my shoulders to show me that he is here for me. A soft smile plays on my lips in joy that my brother will always be here for me just like I will always be there for him as well.
„You know, i never tell you often enough what an incredible brother you are and how much I love you!" I whisper with wet eyes since this has gotten me really emotional. His face softens right away, his arms pulling me into a tight embrace before kissing my forehead lovingly.
„I love you too! And just for the Record, you are the best little sister i could ever wish for!" he whispers back into my hair. His arms slightly squeezing me a little more and than let's go of me again. With a deep sigh he looks towards the house that looks rather nasty. Seems like Valentine doesn't care at all for the little one, he simply uses her for his benefit.
„Guess we should go in there to help the little girl." Magnus states after yet another sigh leaving his lips. Nodding my head in agreement, wanting to safe the little one as fast as possible.
„Let's do this then." i sigh softly. With a small wave I make the both of us invisible, this way it should be easier to get inside. Those people won't hesitate on killing us nor would they hesitate to kill Marzie, she simply is their weapon, nothing more and nothing less. As cruel as it sounds and definitely is, that's how they work. Slowly we get ourselves on the second floor since there is one window open. With a small smile I realize that it must be the little girls room. It's not like she has a lot of toys but at least there is a small kid sized bed with one single teddy bear on it. There is a small closet with very few dresses but at least they seem to be clean, that's more than I thought they would do. On the side are two books which are the typical fairytales. Seems like the girl likes those princess stories like every other little girl. The door opens and closes beside me which makes my brother and me look towards who might has entered. With a small scowl I realize that little Madzie had come in with tears rolling down her beautiful and absolutely innocent face. After a quick glance towards my brother I make myself visible again. I however quickly crouch down next to her and softly touch her shoulder. She quickly turns towards me, her eyes wide and fearful.
„It's alright Madzie, I am Elisa and I am not here to hurt you at all. I am here to help you." I softly explain to her. Her tiny fingers have pulled away the small scarf around her neck to make me see her gills on it. A small wave of fog that has a strong chemical smell to it comes my way. Instead of scolding her though I smile even brighter at her, that's her way of protecting herself so why should I be mad at that.
„It's ok Madzie, I am a warlock too, just like you. I promise I only want to help you. For real!" I promise her and make my cat like eyes come out so she would see that I am telling the truth.
„He said my nana wants me to do all those bad things." she sadly says. Her mouth wobbling since she is seconds away from crying again.
„He lied to you Madzie." I answer her, softly wiping her tears off of her face. Which she to my joy allows me to do. She even has cuddled herself into my arms like the scared child she truly is.
„Why don't you allow me and my friend to take you with us? I promise I will not hurt you and I also won't allow anyone else to hurt you." I ask her after she slowly has calmed herself down enough to stop crying. She seems to think about it for a bit before she looks at me with confusion written on her face.
„Which friend?" she asks in a whisper like tone. Giggling softly at that I wave towards my brother who right away makes himself visible to.
„Hello sweet pea! My name is Magnus." he softly greets the tiny girl still cuddled into my chest. She looks up into my eyes slightly afraid but after I nod in encouragement she waves at him in reply.
„So what do you say Madzie? Ready to leave this place with us?" I ask her softly. Her eyes shining in hopefulness that she will get away from here.
„No more spankings? No more hurting me and others?" she asks still with her hopeful eyes. Feeling rage overflowing me that those nasty beings even dared on laying a single finger at that innocent little girl.
„No love! Absolutely nothing like that ever!" I promise and pick her up into my arms. My heart roaring with sorrow on what that small girl had to go through in her short life already.
„I will keep you safe from now on! I promise love!" I add to make sure she believes me since it is the simple truth.
„Thank you!" She thanks me with so much honesty and relieve it's hard to believe how young she is!
„Alright! Do you want to take something along with you? Or should we get you everything new? Like a clean new start?" I ask her with a wide smile on my lips since I already adopted her in my mind and my heart. She seems surprised that I would even care enough to ask her.
„I don't know?" she says with curiosity. Simply smiling brightly at her seems to calm her down though.
„Than i say we get you everything new love! My baby only deserves the best anyway!" I say and kiss her forehead softly. Magnus smiles widely at us and opens up a portal from the calming wave that flows out of it i know that he opened one up to my place which i am thankful for. With my baby in my arms i walk through the portal, to not too much surprise the four young shadowhunters are already waiting in the living room for us.
„Let me show you your room before I introduce you to them alright love?" I say and walk straight by the others and into the empty guest room. Softly I set her down next to me and tap my chin in thought before setting my mind on how her room should look like, well, at least if she likes it that way. With a few hand movements the room transforms into a soft lavender girls dream. There are tons of toys and even more cuddly toys. Her bed has a drape over it that shimmers softly and hopefully make her feel safe when she goes to sleep. Her sudden squeal makes me look down to her to see her bouncing happily on the spot next to me.
„Go ahead love! It's all yours and if you wat anything else, any other color or whatever just tell me and we can change that!" I softly say and softly push her towards the room to encourage her to look around. She however runs straight back to me to hug me. Her eyes shining in happiness and pure joy.
„Thank you Eli!" she thanks me before running off to discover her new home.
„Looks like she enjoys her new home." jace whispers in my ear from behind me. His sudden appearance surprised me but it also makes me smile. He pulls me tightly into his front and lays his head on my shoulder so we both can watch the little cutie run around the room with giggles leaving her mouth every few seconds.

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