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Elisa's pov:
After we collected Clary from her room we slowly start to walk through the institute. When there where suddenly tons of people around us I stop and with me the others as well.
„Elisa?" Magnus asks me softly unsure of what I might think off.
„Stay back for a moment." I say after turning towards them. While the others seem curious on why they should stay back, Magnus eyes widen in realization.
„No! El thats to dangerous and you know it!" My always protective brother instructs while shaking his head vehemently in disagreement.
„There are too many of them at once and you know it!" I say and quickly throwing my hand upwards to build a protective wall around the five of them.
„El!! No!" I hear my brother shouting desperately but I try to ignore his worry to concentrate on what I am going to do now. Taking one more deep breath before lowering myself slightly to the ground. My hands wave themselves around in an old choreography that will help me use my whole power on the next thing. With one finale curl of a finger I stand there in my real form. My huge white wings are now nearly touching the floor, my eyes changed into one green cat eye and my other one shining in a really pale blue. My face surrounded by my curly blonde nearly white mane of hair that goes down to my hip. The whole room is now gawking at me, which I kind of expected. Slowly I make myself fly up a little to overlook the whole room, a slight hand movement makes my sword appear that starts to light up and right away kills every demon within this room. Afterwards I land once again on the ground and let my security wall drop around my brother and friends, I guess.
„What is going on here?" the stern voice of Maryse exclaims. Her heels clicking against the marvel flooring. Rolling my eyes at her always stern voice that lets everyone feel like they are beneath her.
„You!? What is going on here!?" she wants to know from me without recognizing me. At least not till I turn myself towards her, so we once again stand face to face to one another. Lifting one of my fingers in the air I make her stop right in her tracks since a force is now squeezing her throat. Not too tight to really hurt her, but tight enough to show her my displeasure of her treatment.
„I don't like to get rushed! And if you haven't noticed it till now, I just safed your children's and your workers life's. Your whole institute was invested by demons. So you might as well thank me instead of treating me like I am beneath you!" I tell her with furry in every word. My eyes shining even brighter in rage at her audacity!
„Of Course! Thank you for your help Elisa. Especially for saving my children." she suddenly says completely different than normally. Her whole demeanor has changed into one of extrem thankfulness and even slight regret in her eyes. For what, I don't know. I let my hold on her go and not a second later she runs towards her children and engulfs them into a tight embrace.
„That was rather stupid of you!" Magnus mumbles next to me. His shoulder softly touching mine since he knows I need some kind of contact to calm myself down again.
„I know. But what else should I have done? I can't scan that many people at once, so I did what needed to be done. It also quickened the fight, don't you think?" I reply in question. Instead of answering he only shakes his head at me and kisses my forehead lovingly.
„Next Time you hold me hostage instead of letting me help I am going to make sure you will regret it." he whispers and pokes my side which tickles a lot. Pouring slightly at him. That was a really low blow of him, after all he knows how ticklish I am!
„Elisa!" Jace exclaims and pulls me into his already familiar chest. He seems to try to be careful as to not hurt my wings, he at least doesn't holds me so tight like he has done till now. Taking a few more deep breaths to inhale his soothing smell before I make my yet normal form appear again. And just like that he pulls me tighter into himself much to my relief since I thought he might even be scared of me now.
„You are absolut incredible precious! But the next time you will let me help you instead of fighting on your own!" he whispers softly in my ear. His chest vibrating softly which surprisingly soothes me even more. Now leaning nearly with my whole bodyweight on him.
„Sorry, just am used to do things on myself. Magnus isn't always around me." I apologize slightly. Not really knowing why since I usually never apologize for things I do, well except Magnus of course. But somehow it feels horrible to disappoint him or to make him unhappy with my actions.
„It's alright precious. I understand! Just hated to see you there on your own. It's my job to protect you so don't let me behind. Ok?" he softly informs me while caressing my back soothingly. Way too relaxed to form any words I simply nod my agreement.
„So, since you have said that there where demons within this walls, why don't we go to the cctv room? They shouldn't of been able to come in here so someone must of helped them." Maryse voice suddenly says from behind me. She looks kind of awh stacked between jace and me, but other than that she stays quiet. Which is good since my patient is running really low with her! Magnus also is pulled tightly into alec who seems to whisper with my brother as well. At least that's the only explanation on why he keeps on nodding like an obedient little puppy. Completely out of character for him. But who am I to talk? I am in the same position as he is, so no judgment at all!!
„That sounds like a Good idea." I say after a heavy sigh. Without any other word she turns around to go to wherever their new cctv room is at. The others follow right away but I stood rooted to the floor still leaning completely into Jace.
„Let's Go precious." he softly says but since I still am not moving, not even an inch. He simply lifts me up into his strong arms to carry me. My head right away leans onto his chest again, right over his heart which is rather soothing and I know for a fact that if he keeps on walking a little longer I am going to fall asleep against him.

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