chapter 54

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Dedicated to Teefabulous


Doyin raised her head from Abee's chest as she turned to look at him.

The case of the banned drug had somehow been resolved, after we were all questioned if Doyin had sleeping problems or depression which we'd testified against, Doyin later recalled she gave one of the Juniors her bag during the general cleaning but the thing is she couldn't specify the person, with pleas from her class teacher and coach, the school had decided to punish her by cutting grasses for three days.

Being the people we were, Bimpe had suggested we call one of those mola to help clear the grasses, and we'd done that, Doyin only played on the portion assigned, she took it as a break from school work after giving the Juniors her notes to copy,  whenever she noticed any teacher coming she only picked up the Cutlass and pretend, while we visited her there during break and free periods, the mola did the job for her while we paid him off.

Doyin raised her brows, "Now I remember that day, Abee you held my bag for some time during breakfast before you returned it to me when I wanted to go to my class, you remember?"

I noticed colour drained out of his face as he sucked in his breath, "Yeah."

Doyin creased her brows at his change in demeanour, "Is there something I'm missing?"

He glanced at every one of us before placing his hands on the table, then he nodded.

Doyin squeezed her face, "What am I missing?"

He cleared his throat before talking, "To be honest, they wanted to search the boys hostel that day, remember Kunmi?"

Kunmi nodded, "Yeah, I remember, others were trying to keep the implicating things they brought, I even kept my phone beside the water closet."

We all laughed at this except Abee then Doyin turned to him.

"So, what has that got to do with the drug?"

He sighed and glanced at us again before responding, "I placed it in your bag."

"What!" We all shouted.

Doyin readjusted her sitting position, "What did you just say? You placed the Ambien in my bag?"

He nodded.

She chuckled, "You're joking right, you wouldn't do that."

He looked away from her and Bimpe talked, "Abee, what you're trying to say now is that you were the one that placed the drug in her bag to implicate her?'

He shook his head, "Not to implicate her, I only kept it there 'cause I didn't expect them to search her bag or something."

I scoffed, "First, how did you get a hold of it? We are talking about a banned drug here ooo and what are you using it for?"

Doyin raised her hand, "Wait, Abee you placed that drug in my bag and you didn't even tell me when I was implicated with it? Do you know I almost got suspended if not expelled because of this thing?"

He swallowed his saliva, "I never intended to implicate you."

She scoffed before clapping sarcastically, "You never intended to? Why didn't you tell me? Even after it was found in my bag, you could have explained it to me, why?" She nodded before continuing, "Now I understand, no wonder you were telling me I could have mistakenly placed it in my bag, so, this was your intention all along? To get me expelled right?" She raised her voice and I could sense she was getting angry.

He shook his head, "No, Doyin, you're mixing it up, I..."

She cut in by banging the table and getting up then she yelled, "You what? No, tell me, what's your reason? Why did you keep this from me, from us? Why?"

"Doyin please lower your voice, you don't want other people knowing about this," I tried placating her, but she only glanced at me before turning back to Abee.

"Abee talk nah, what's going on? Don't you trust us?" Kunmi who had been quiet all along voiced out.

He sighed before Doyin talked again, "Definitely you have no reason and you know what I have no reason to end what's between us but I'm ending it right now, I can't be with someone that finds pleasure in implicating me or lying to his friends," and with that she dashed down to her class ignoring our calls behind her.

I slapped my hand on my forehead before Bimpe talked, "Now Abee, why are you silent about your reason? Is Doyin right?"

He shook his head, "I've been using the pills for about a year now."

"What!" We all shouted in unison.

"Why?" Kunmi queried.

"I always have troubling sleeping, maybe it's insomnia or something but I can't sleep without taking pills, at first I used piritin and Valium before I got this," he explained.

Bimpe inquired," You didn't mention the main reason."

He glanced at her before replying," The incident keep replaying whenever I want to sleep, my mom getting burnt and dying in the fire I started keeps coming to my mind," he sighed before squeezing his eyes shut.

We all sighed in return and exchanged looks before Kunmi tapped him, his eyes flickered open and it was already glassy, traces of tears were already showing.

"It's okay," Kunmi comforted him and he nodded.

"Bad thing Doyin didn't wait to listen," I said and Bimpe nodded in agreement.

"But you should have just told us when the drug was found in Doyin's bag," Bimpe reasoned and I nodded in accordance.

"That's true, at least we could have done something, now, it's a taint on Doyin's reputation for life, on her school record and our image, good thing, she wasn't striped off of her post," I added.

"There's nothing we could have done," he replied.

Bimpe pestered, "But we..."

Kunmi cut in, "Just like we did absolutely nothing in Doyin's case, we couldn't have done anything."

I sighed, "But then Abee you should have told us from the start since you started having problems sleeping maybe a solution could have surfaced."

He nodded before Kunmi talked, "Why didn't you tell your dad?"

He snapped his brows, "Like he cares, he wouldn't listen or do anything about it, someone that doesn't care about me, someone that rubs it on my face that I killed my mother, he hates me and I hate my existence too," he voiced out.

"Don't sat that Abee, it wasn't your fault," Bimpe told him, but he shook his head.

"It's my fault, you don't have to tell me otherwise."

I pestered, "But..."

"Let's not talk about it!" He got on his feet and walked away.

"So..." Kunmi drawled.

"So what?" Bimpe snapped.

"So, it's time to go back to class," I interjected.

Who expected that?
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