chapter 55

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"We are more powerful!" the acting chairman of the SRC shouted, since the monkey had been acting as the chairman, he'd placed himself highly and had been so full of myself but it's not his fault though, it's because Khalid isn't here.

"Yes oo!" The other SRC members added.

"And who told you that?" Bimpe queried with lifted eyebrows. Currently, the Prefects were having a meeting with the SRC due to some misunderstanding that had been going on for days now.

"Can't you see it?" The permanent secretary shouted and I scoffed.

"See what? The thing is no one is more powerful than the other, you are the voice of the students likewise we too," I told them, and they murmured.

"You know what? Let's just stop all this nonsense, no prefect should punish any SRC member and SRC do not have any right over any prefect, okay or not?" Kunmi asked and the SRC members kept on murmuring.

"Okay then," the monkey like acting Chairman responded after some minutes.

"With that being said, let's end the meeting," the assistant senior prefect girl voiced out, and we nodded, after some seconds, everyone started trooping out of the building.

"We have IVY class now right?" Doyin turned to me, she was by my right while Bimpe was by my left.

"Yeah," Just then Abee and Kunmi appeared before us, Doyin hissed at this and I pursed my lips. It's been few days now and Doyin was still bent on ending things with him, even though she'd listened to our explanation and Abee had tried speaking to her, she was still headstrong.

"We are going for the IVY class now, are you guys going?" Kunmi questioned.

I opened my mouth to reply but Doyin hindered me, "You guys can go on your own, it's not as if we came to this world together," she snorted and I glanced at her.

"Let's go," Abee turned to Kunmi who nodded, and they walked out of the building.

"But, Doyin, what's wrong with you nah?" Bimpe reprimanded.

Doyin rolled her eyes, "Water."

I turned to her, "But he had begged you nah, why are you so stubborn?"

She chuckled before standing up from the stool, "Are we going to the class or not?"

"We are going," Bimpe replied before picking up her notes and I did he same too, then we headed to the IVY class.

As we walked into the former SS3 Gold class that was being used as our IVY class, I sighted Jubilee talking to Tunde, seeing her made me laugh as I remembered when we collected our last term results, the fool that challenged Bimpe and I ended up being in the 5th place, we'd mocked her and had even offered her two buckets to cry into, the look on her face that day was something.

Doyin dropped her books on the table which was behind my table and Bimpe's, I wanted to sit on my chair but Bimpe pulled me up before dragging me out of the class.

"What?" I raised my brows and I notice a creepy smile appear on her face.

"Hope you're okay sha?" I jested and she laughed.

"Don't you think we should find something to do about Doyin and Abee?" She asked.

I shrugged, "There's nothing we can do about it, that girl has already made up her mind, she doesn't want him again."

Bimpe nodded, "But don't you think they ended on a bad note?"

I chuckled, "You wanted them to end on a good note abi?"

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