chapter 17

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Picture of Moye above🖕

This girl must be high or what could possibly be the reason behind the nonsense she's been spouting.

"Kikiope!" her voice interrupted my thoughts, turning to her, I was met with a throw pillow on my face.

"What gan?" I shouted before throwing the pillow back at her.

"You were quiet for some minutes, why are you pretending as if you aren't aware of the fact, stop being an hypocrite, I know..."

I cut in, "Shut up jare, are you here to insult me or what? Better think twice before displaying your stupidity here," I ended the statement with a hiss, and she eyed me.

"Just give me his number, I know you've been trying to steal him from me and I won't let that happen," Abimbola shrieked.

Something is definitely wrong with this girl. Abi, what's all this one?

"Steal who? Khalid isn't a pen or novel because I know that's the only thing I steal, so, it's better you think deep before spewing nonsense."

Yeah, I steal not steal jare, I take other people's pen when I don't have one and I also take novels that catches my interest without the owner's permission because I'm a lover of books and pens.

"Anyway, I have no time to start arguing with a thief and bastard like you, just give me his number."

This girl has finally suffered disrepute from me, she ended up pressing my red button sha. Instantly I stood up and walked to her, in a split second, I grabbed her right hand making my long nails dig into her flesh, I keep long nails because of people like her.

"You're hurting me," Abimbola gasped while trying to wriggle out of my grip but my force got intensified on her skin creating a gash.

"You're enjoying it abi?" I lifted my brows with mocking smile.

"Kikiope stop!" She yelled, she lifted her left hand in an attempt to stop me but I landed a hot slap on her face before jerking her away from my grip.

I moved closer to her with a wry smile looking deep into her black eyes which was just like mine, I think we both got it from her dad, other than that, I had no resemblance whatsoever to him and I'm thankful for that, "Next time, you don't call me a bastard, is that understood?" I warned before eyeing her and going back to the sofa.

"You're a wicked thing!" She yelled while rubbing her skin that was now showing the appearance of blood.

"Just shut up, if you're done here, kindly use the door," I gave her a smug smile before proceeding to stand up.

"Give me Khalid's number before I leave."

I scoffed before turning back to her, "Command or request?"

She kept quiet for some seconds before responding, "Request."

"Good, 09022..." I dashed her a cool smile after she'd finished punching the digits in her phone. Well, I knew all my friends number offhand funny enough I didn't know my parents number but I knew Moye's number Sha.

"You jeebi," she stood up while eyeing me.

"It's not your fault, I was the foolish one that gave you his number," I moved closer to her, but she stepped back quickly.

"By the way, I don't want to see you near my Khalid again, if not..."

I clapped sarcastically and that cut her off mid sentence, "If not what? Are you trying to threaten me? Abeg, just get out if you have nothing more to say other than trying to show useless girlfriend here, at your age, you're threatening me because of a boy, oniranu oshi."

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