chapter 27

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"Won't you welcome us?" He asked with a toothy grin.

"What are you guys doing here?" Doyin questioned.

"How did you even know this place?" Bimpe added.

Kunmi smiled, "So, you guys came here without informing us."

I pursed my lips, "The question is why are you here?"

Abee opened his mouth to reply but Bimpe beat him to it, "This is girls talk, so, we don't need you here."

Khalid lifted his brows, "Really? What if something happens?"

"We can take care of ourselves," Doyin replied.

Kunmi moved closer, "Won't you let us in?"

Bimpe poked his forehead with her index  finger, "Don't come in."

"Why?" He frowned at her.

"You guys should leave," Bimpe replied.

"Don't worry, we'll fill you in," I added.

Khalid wanted to protest but Bimpe slammed the door shut, we glanced at each other and Doyin looked through the window to confirm they'd left, then we went back to the living room.

I turned to Ann who was back in her previous position, "So, you think abortion is the best option?"

She shrugged, "What else? Even though my mother is sick, she's still working hard to pay my fees and you think getting pregnant is her reward."

"You should have thought of that early," Bimpe muttered and I nudged her shoulders.

"What?" She wriggled her brows.

"You know your life is on the line, being the only child of your mother, what if you end up joining your friend in hell, you think your mom would throw a burial party for you?" Doyin jested while Bimpe and I chuckled.

Ann scrunched her brows before her expression turned to a doleful one, just as I opened my mouth to talk, a slight knock came from the door again. We glanced at one another and decided to ignore it until the knock became persistent.

"Oh oh, what's wrong with these boys nah?" I grumbled before standing up to open the door, just as I opened it, I welcomed a sheepish grin.

My pupils grew huge as I stared at the guy in front of me, it grew bigger when two other guys revealed themselves from his back.

"So, you attend a white garment church? You look smoking hot in this," Pako smirked and I resisted the urge to slap the smirk off his face.

"What's going on?" Bimpe called out.

"We are going on," Pako replied as he moved closer to me while I stepped back, we moved in the same pace as Xandra's  leader and his slave barged into the house.

A gasp escaped from Ann's mouth immediately she sighted them while astonishment was written all over Bimpe and Doyin's face as they stood up with impulse.

It wasn't until my leg hit the edge of the sofa did Pako stop moving closer to me.

"What do you want?" I asked on top of my voice while glaring at him.

"I warned you, didn't I?" His lips curved to a crook smile and I rolled my eyes.

"So, you think rattling us out would save you?" Xandra's leader shouted as he grabbed Ann's hand, she shook like someone experiencing convulsions as the color drained out of her face.

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