Chapter Sixteen

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Eleanora Hadley had just sat down in front of the television, ready to binge-watch the first reality television show that she found, when the car horn had echoed throughout the house followed shortly by a knock at the door. 

She tried her best to blend into the couch, not wanting to get up, as Elijah Hadley blazed past her, already tired from the incessant knocking. 

"Is Ellie here?" Bella Swan's voice rang throughout the house as Ellie let out a quiet groan, not that she didn't want to see Bella of course, she just didn't want to move. 

"That's a no, Elijah," Ellie called back through the house. "Ellie is not here." 

Elijah shrugged as Bella pushed past him, soon finding the girl splayed on the couch. "What are you doing?" Bella asked, eying the girl. 

"Camouflaging," Ellie exclaimed in return. "You cannot see me." 

"Well yeah, I can." Bella returned. "Now get up, you're coming with me."

"Yeah, I don't think so. Besides I don't even know where I'm coming with you to."

"The Cullen's house. Edward invited me."

"Is there a particular reason other than that, why you want me to come with you," Ellie asked with a raised eyebrow.

 "You've been there before I haven't so you're coming with me." 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Edward invited you, not me." 

"Well he's still waiting outside for you, so let's go." Bella retorted. 

"Bella, why? Is it so hard to ask for a relaxing day on the couch! After the week I've had, you would hope it would be expected." 

"Oh, please." Bella returned before thinking for a second. "Okay fine, you're right but you are still coming with me." 

"Can I at least get changed before you force me out of my own home?" Ellie asked sarcastically. 

"Uh no. Did you not hear me? We are leaving now." Bella continued dragging the brunette towards the door. 

"Bella, stop and look at me for a second." Ellie started, gesturing to herself. "Do you really think that sweatpants and a shirt that I don't even know the last time it was washed are a good idea?"

"Okay fine, but you get two minutes, that's it. Or we are leaving without you."

"That's not such a bad idea," Ellie muttered to herself but Bella just heard it. 

"Don't even think about it, Ellie." 

In daylight and without her mind reeling from once she had just discovered and learnt, the Cullen family house was even more stunning than it had been a little over a week ago when Ellie had first met the rest of the Cullens. Although she was still slightly disappointed that the house didn't come with a moat or a drawbridge, it would've had completed the aesthetic that she had made up in her mind. 

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