Chapter Three

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Eleanora Hadley ducked her way through the crowd gathering once more in the corridors, her head still whirling with the history assignment, among the other things that always took up residence in her brain. Her one-sided conversation with Jasper wasn't putting her hopes up either, and she definitely needed to do well on this assignment out of all of them. 

To make matters worse she had been called to the Principal's Office putting a stand-still on her plans for the afternoon especially now that she no longer had a ride considering Sydney didn't have the time to wait for her. 

Ellie already knew that this meeting would follow the same formula that it always did, her teachers' concern for her condition added with her plummeting grades always equalled the same conclusion - "One more chance Eleanora or we will have to start looking at other options."

Yet after five years, nothing had changed. But considering she would be graduating in not too long, she knew that her grades were getting too crucial to continue ignoring.

 Ellie swung the doors open to the reception as they cluttered roughly behind her. Ellie's eyes fell on Edward Cullen leaning against the reception desk, terse words falling from his mouth, in response she stepped off to the side resisting the urge to roll her eyes. 

It seemed that within one day Ellie had experienced more of the Cullens than she had in the last three years they had attended Forks High School. First Bella staring at them for the majority of lunch, her assignment pairing with Jasper and finally this. 

The doors swung open harshly once more Bella entering the reception as well, her eyes immediately falling straight to Edward. 

"Hey, Bella," Ellie said softly but the brunette didn't register her words at all, as the conversation between Edward and the receptionist finally reached her ears. 

"I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology." The receptionist informed. 

"Fine. Just. . . I'll just have to endure it." Edward returned tersely, moving out of the reception in one swift movement, breezing past where Ellie and Bella stood. It only took a second for the doors to slam together before Bella soon left as well. 

"And then there was one," Ellie muttered quietly to herself, slightly confused by the entire debacle that had occurred in front of her without either party acknowledging her presence even slightly. 

"Eleanora, Principal Greene will see you now." 

Ellie turned from the doors that were still swinging from Bella's sudden exit before turning with a smile. "Great, thank you." She returned, walking in the direction that the front office receptionist had gestured to. 

"I assume you know why you were called here, Eleanora?" Principal Greene's voice reached her the second Ellie stepped foot within the office. 

"I have an idea." She answered before biting her tongue in response, she couldn't afford to worsen her predicament any further with any off the cuff responses. 

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