Chapter Twenty-One

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"Okay, name three capital cities that start with 'M'." Ellie started, her eyes flickering up from the book on her lap to meet the gold ones of Jasper, whose expression of intense concentration made a laugh bubble up inside.

"Madrid, capital of Spain. Manila, capital of the Phillippines, and Moscow, capital of Russia." Jasper listed off with a smirk. 

It was a new coping strategy that Ellie had found online to increase her periods of functionality alongside her crosswords. Although she doubted its credibility, the simple action of listing off different things that started with various letters had quickly turned into a competition between the two close friends. 

Only increasing with the addition of a book with questions pertaining to their lists, her only purchase on one of the many shopping trips Alice had forced her into. Ellie always enjoyed the time with the pixie-like vampire although her attitude towards shopping wasn't going to change despite what Alice attempted. 

With the list of questions, the competition between Ellie and Jasper had only increased, no longer having to think of questions themselves. Although they were getting dangerously close to the end of the book, Ellie had already started looking for a sequel or one similar in fear that they would start again and Jasper would beat her even more than he was already. Ellie didn't have the best memory in the world but Jasper Hale was in another category altogether. 

"Oh, why are you so good at that?" Ellie complained loudly, before chucking the book over to Jasper. "Okay, my turn." 

"Alright El, here's an easy one for you." Jasper began. 

"Don't pity me, Hale." 

"I'm not." Jasper defended. "Okay, what are four fruits that don't have the letter 'A'?"

"You've got to be kidding me." Ellie returned. "You seriously chose the hardest question on that page."

"It's the next one, El." Jasper continued, turning the book around to prove that he was indeed telling the truth. 

"Sure," Ellie replied, despite the truth in front of her. "Okay fine."

"Whenever you are ready, Ellie." Jasper teased. 

"Shut up."

"I said whenever you are ready, El." 

"Shut up, Jazz," Ellie repeated, glaring at the blonde vampire. "I'm thinking."

"Oh trust me, I know." Jasper continued with a wide smile at the brunette. "Tongue sticking out and all." 

"Okay, four fruits." 

"That's what I said." 

"Jazz! Will you shut it?" Ellie continued before it came to her. "Okay, there's plum, cherry, blueberry and. . ." She trailed off. 

"Nearly there, El." Jasper started but was soon shut up by Ellie's glare. 

"And kiwi!" Ellie shouted proudly. "That's four!" 

"About time, Ellie. I was practically aging over here." Jasper joked. 

"Yeah sure, you were. I'm not sure if you've forgotten but you can't exactly age." Ellie remarked. "Yet you are somehow 160 but you don't look a day over 20." Ellie guessed. 

"Close, I think it's 161. Although I've long lost count." Jasper returned. 

"Damn it!" Ellie complained. "Well, maths has never been my strong suit." 

"That much is clear." 

"Ouch," Ellie joked before catching the book Jasper threw back her way. "Okay, your turn. What are three items that you would commonly find in a household that start with X?" 

"And you complain that I always give you the hard ones." 

"Why don't you just answer the question, Jazz?" 

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