Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was Ellie's desperate desire to mend her friendship with Bella once more while also getting Bella's life back on track and caught up on everything she had missed for months, that had landed her in Port Angeles with Bella and Jessica to see a movie, that she had ended up sleeping through the majority of it, like some old grandpa.  

It wasn't that Ellie hated the bubbly brunette, it was more that she just found Jessica Stanley slightly irritating. But she was still a member of Ellie's friendship and still a human being at the end of the day that needed to be treated with respect. 

"I don't know why you wanna sit through all those zombies eating people, and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross." Jessica rambled as Ellie rolled her eyes shooting Bella a small incredulous look. "Like why are there that many zombie movies anyway?" 

"Maybe because people enjoy watching them?" Ellie returned sarcastically, continuing walking away from the movie theatre with the two other brunettes walking beside her. "If there wasn't a demand they wouldn't be created in the first place."

"Isn't it supposed to draw a parallel about leprosy? My cousin had leprosy, it's not funny, you know?" Jessica continued as Ellie and Bella did nothing to stop her rambling. "And like it's supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism? Because don't be so pleased with your own self-reverential cleverness, you know? Like, some girls like to shop. Not all girls, apparently. Although I was surprised you even called at all, you know? And that you joined as well, Ellie." Jessica continued as Ellie scowled at her former friend. "Like your depression thing. I'm totally, totally worried about both of you. But after a while, it's like, she's still bumming? And I'm going through stuff too, you know? Like when Mike decided he wanted to 'just be friends'. That's hard you know?" 

"Will you shut up, Jess," Ellie muttered as Bella let out a small gasp, staring at an empty space, her eyes blinking a million miles a minute. "What's the matter, Bella?"

"Bella, come on?" Jessica asked, her and Ellie stepping in front of Bella to meet her eyes. 

"I think I know those guys," Bella admitted, gesturing slightly with her head towards a group of bikers down a crowded alleyway. 

"Well, they seem great," Jessica continued. "Can we go?" 

"I'm just going to go see something," Bella muttered before walking away from her friends. 

"Go see what? To look death in the face? Bella?" Ellie called after her, her eyes widening as Bella continued moving away. "Get back here!" Ellie went running after her, calling her name before Bella eventually stopped halfway down the hill. 

"I just need to do this, Ellie. I'll be back in second. You told me to get out and live my life, this is how I do it." Bella returned. 

"Don't give me that bullshit. That's not how you 'live your life' and you know it. That's certain death." Ellie continued. 

"Just let me do this, Ellie." Bella continued before walking up to the greasy men. 

"What, no!" Ellie disagreed as Jessica pulled her back up the hill. "What the hell are you doing, Jessica?"

"Saving your life, dumbass. I won't have both of you getting into harm's way." Jessica continued. "Just give Bella five minutes to get over whatever death wish she apparently has, and then we'll go and make sure she's alright, okay?" 

Ellie rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath before eventually nodding her reluctant agreement. She paced anxiously up and down the street, keeping an eye on the alleyway as Bella eventually disappeared on the back of a man's motorcycle, before returning dazed five minutes later. 

"What the hell is wrong with you? Just curious." Jessica started as Bella returned to her friends moments later. 

"You used to be my favourite clumsy psycho and now you are my favourite clumsy psycho with a bloody death wish!" Ellie added, glaring at Bella. "What the fuck was that?" 

"I thought I saw something," Bella replied. 

"Yeah, Death himself." Ellie retorted, with another look to Bella that conveyed her message perfectly, they would be discussing this later in private

"You are insane, actually. Or suicidal. That homeboy could have been a psycho. Ellie and I were about to end up in an FBI interview room, like some lame TV show."

"Oh, that was such a rush." Bella started as Ellie shot her another glare. 

"Awesome! So, you're an adrenaline junky now? That's cool. You can go bungee jumping. You don't get on the back of some random loser's motorcycle! Crazy!"

"Could've had said it better myself," Ellie added. 

Ellie sat on her bed, her thoughts running wild like they seemed to do way too often recently. Bella had seen Edward, well some weird hallucination of him because the Cullens couldn't be further away from Forks. This hallucination had made her get on the back of the stranger's motorcycle and Ellie's concern for her brunette best friend was only growing. 

But the thoughts had gotten stuck in her head, resulting in her pulling out the notebook she had hidden under a pile of dirty clothes at the bottom of her cupboard. But hiding it from view didn't always mean that it was out of mind. 

Sydney had suggested, extremely concerned about her best friend, that the best way to get some of her endless thoughts out of her head was to write them onto paper. So within the tattered notebook were several letters, written but never received nor would ever be sent. Every single one of them addressed to Jasper, although the vampire would never read them or ever know the true extent to which she had written. Flipping past several pages, flipping past the pain and sadness that was reflected within every letter, Ellie soon found a new, empty page, a clean slate. 

Dear, Jazz. I still don't know why I'm still doing this, it's been months, early January now. But I haven't done this for a while, and to stick to Syd's initial plan of this for me, I'm using to jot down my thoughts once more, although they don't necessarily involve you, it just seems strange not to address it to you. 

Bella saw Edward today. Well didn't actually see him, more like some weird hallucination, some figment of her imagination. This could have all of course driven her to insanity once more, just imagine that. Bella trapped in some psychiatric hospital. I'm worried about her, but so is everyone else. 

She misses you all so much, it's always on her mind. She got over the depression, I got over my endless hobbies or distraction if you want to call them that, but at the end of the day, we both miss you all so much. I was drowning with my condition, my life all of it and you pulled me out and helped me to start learning to swim again, and now you're gone but I still haven't forgotten just yet. I'm staying in school and I'm graduating in a few good months, something that this time last year I thought was practically impossible. 

I keep thinking that one day I'll get somewhat of a response from you but then I realise I didn't send these, to begin with, so you wouldn't have any clue, but even then it's  still slightly annoying. You are still the biggest asshole for leaving. You told me to move on and forget you and each day I'm closer to doing so. With the help of Sydney, of  Bella, of my Mum and Elijah, I'm building up my support system once more, building over the huge hole you left, plastering around it. I'll get there eventually, but I'm always going to be okay despite everything that you or anyone else will throw at me. 


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