Chapter Fifty-Three

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With Bella and Edward away on their honeymoon, the Cullen household had returned to some semblance of normalcy away from the drama and danger that had consumed their lives over the last few years. Things were boring for the first time in forever yet somehow they all found their own ways to occupy their endless time. 

"Okay, so I was thinking." Ellie started, crashing down onto the couch next to Jasper who immediately placed his book down and turned to face his girlfriend. 

"I'm currently deliberating between two responses, that's not good or that's a first." Jasper returned with a teasing grin. 

"First of all rude," Ellie remarked, elbowing him slightly. "Second of all how do you still somehow wonder why I'm such a bad influence on you."

"Well, what are you so jazzed about then?" Jasper continued. 

"Ooh, the pun I like it." Ellie returned. "And I'll get to it if you stop interrupting me." 

"Okay, whenever you are ready." Jasper returned holding his hands up in surrender but was soon met with Ellie's glare. 

"You know how I was never allowed to drive or learn how to when I was human because of my Narcolepsy. Well, I figured I technically could now, right? Obviously, I would never be able to get a license or anything unless I changed my name or my hospital records suddenly disappeared into thin air."

"Well, it's about time that you legally became a Cullen." Jasper returned, a suggestive grin falling onto his face. "Or a Hale." He added. 

"Oh hush." Ellie dismissed, throwing a couch cushion his way which the vampire easily caught.  "We've got ages for that, besides maybe I would prefer to be a Cullen instead. My initials would actually change then." 

"Yet you would have the exact same initials as three other members of the family."

"True, true," Ellie remarked. 

"I love you, have I mentioned that before?" Jasper started with a fond smile, leaning forward to bring her into a kiss. 

"You have." Ellie returned, pulling back. "In fact, I think that was number eight for today, nearly a new record." 

"Well, you've said it back every single time." 

"Maybe I won't this time." Ellie joked with a grin. 

"Rude." Jasper scoffed. 

"Get used to it because you are stuck with me forever." Ellie returned before bringing Jasper into another kiss. "But I am serious about this driving thing, Jazz. I was completely deprived of a normal teenage experience."

"You aren't a normal teenager, darling."

"Ugh, out of context that line would belong in some crappy teenage film about how the main character is weirder than the rest of her peers," Ellie complained with a groan. 

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