Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Bella was immediately rushed into Carlisle's study which doubled as a mini-hospital room as chaos quickly broke over the house, Bella's cries of pain punctuating every second. The main objective was to get the baby out safely and keep both mother and baby as healthy as possible and the worst possibility was heavy on everyone's minds. 

Ellie settled by Bella's side out of the way of the rest who were running around frantically, panic settling over the brunette as her best friend continued to gasp in pain. She focused on Bella, on her role in keeping Bella alive, putting all her energy into her to help numb the pain, trying to give Bella the strength to hold on as long as possible. 

"Rosalie, pass the morphine!"

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached!" Alice informed from where she stood a phone pressed tightly against her ear, as Carlisle recited instructions from the other end. "He's coming as fast as he can but-" 

"We'll have to do it!" Rosalie finished, picking up the scalpel from the side and moving towards Bella's abdomen. 

"No! Let the morphine spread!" Edward chastised, holding onto the blonde's arm to halt her.

"There's no time!" Rosalie shouted back, her gaze never wavering from Bella. "He's dying!" 

"Get him out now!" Bella screamed out in pain. 

"Look at me, Bella." Jacob attempted to distract the brunette as Ellie prepared herself to extend her powers even further as her eyes followed the scalpel down as it reached Bella's stomach. 

"You've got this Bells." Ellie consoled, already beginning to feel the drain on the abilities. 

The scent of blood wafted into the air, affecting all vampires in the vicinity, Rosalie lifting up the scalpel in her hand only to see Bella's boat coating it. 

"Rosalie, don't!" Edward shouted as Jacob moved to stop her by tackling the blonde to the floor. "Alice, get her out of here!" Edward turned back to Bella only to find Ellie struggling to keep in control as well, her black irises becoming darker by the second. "Ellie?" He questioned frantically. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I can do this," Ellie replied, focusing solely on Bella instead of the increasing scent of blood that continued to pool out of her. Carlisle's words sung out in her mind 'she needs you'. Ellie wasn't going to give up on Bella just yet, she had seen the brunette commit too many other life-threatening acts to lose her to childbirth.  

"Save her! You gotta change her!" Jacob demanded.

"I can't! Not whilst he's still in there! I gotta get him out first!" Edward argued. 

Ellie's body had begun to sag against the side of the bed, growing increasingly weak from the immense use of her ability. "Please hurry up and get the baby out." She muttered. 

"Stay focused! Keep your heart beating!" Jacob commanded Bella, looking over to Ellie as well. 

"Jake, he's suffocating!" Bella screeched out. 

Bella's blood was everywhere, Edward ripping open Bella's embryonic sac with his teeth before the baby was pulled out, stillness filling the previous chaotic atmosphere before the baby girl let out a cry. 

Edward held the baby girl in his hands, smiling broadly down at the child. "It's Renesmee." He said turning towards his wife.

"Beautiful," Bella whispered, as Edward placed the baby onto Bella's chest, before a crunch sound pierced the air, looking down to where Renesmee had bitten her. 

Edward frowned before lifting Renesmee back up, turning back to Bella only for the lack of life in her expression to panic him once again. 



"Jacob, take the baby!" Edward ordered. 

"Keep that away from me!" Jacob spat out in response. 

"Ellie?" Edward asked the brunette who had shut her eyes leaning over the bed considerably.

"Yeah?" She replied feebly. 

"Take the baby, you're her godmother. We can save her from here. Like Bella said, there's no one we trust more." Edward finished, as Ellie reached out to take baby Renesmee from his arms. 

Ellie nodded in response, leaving the room as the boys behind her frantically tried to save Bella's life. She turned back, only to see Bella's limp body, any remaining life completely fading from her. Her best friend was dying and she was holding the last piece of her. 

"It will all be okay, little Renesmee," Ellie said, smiling down softly at the baby, not only trying to comfort the infant but also herself. "Welcome to this bizarre family. Trust me, your life is going to be anything but boring." 

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