Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"So, are you going to tell me what Alice saw today?" Ellie asked, looking up from her crossword to the blonde vampire that sat beside her. "Or am I being kept out of the action as well?" 

Despite her relatively normal school day, Ellie had been curious about what Alice had seen and wanted to probe for the truth slightly even if she ended up empty-handed as Bella had with her own efforts with Edward. 

"Victoria's back." Jasper returned with a small smile. 

"Oh, the redhead that's after Bella, gotcha," Ellie replied. "Honestly I've never met her but I already feel like I practically know her from what I've heard from everyone."

"Let's hope you never have to meet her." Jasper continued dryly. 

"But let me guess that's why Bella is going out of town this weekend?" Ellie asked as Jasper nodded in response. "Guess I'll just have to occupy my time some other way." 

"I'll be missing for a small chunk of that time too," Jasper added as Ellie pulled a face at the words. 

"Is this weekend 'leave Ellie weekend?'" Ellie asked jokingly. 

"No, it's not," Jasper assured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "But we are trying to intercept Victoria. 

"Guess that's definitely some action I'm not apart of then," Ellie remarked. 

"Indeed," Jasper returned, sensing her emotions, before sending waves of serenity her way. "But you have nothing to worry about, we have it under control."

"I'll accept that once it's all over," Ellie answered. "But for old times' sake, are we continuing this crossword or are we playing categories?" 

"Might as well finish that crossword you were just working on so intently," Jasper replied sarcastically. 

"I can't easily help that you are such a beautiful distraction, but if I must I'll stop." Ellie joked. "But considering your decision and all. What's a nine-letter word with the clue of 'to discuss something for mutual benefit?"

"I still can't believe you are leaving town and me behind all weekend," Ellie grumbled as she leaned against Bella's bedroom wall, watching the Swan in question pack for her weekend trip. 

"It'll only be two days, El," Bella informed. "Stop whining about it." 

"Yeah well between you and Sydney who is off to go visit her sick grandparents, I'm stuck virtually friendless." 

"You still have Jasper, don't be so pessimistic."

"Nope, he's busy." Ellie returned. 

"Too busy to spend time with you?" Bella added. "Never thought the day would come, the boy hardly leaves your side anymore." 

"Hey, Bella?" Ellie asked. 


"A word of advice don't mock my relationship with something that applies to yours if not more." Ellie returned, picking up the pillow from beside her and throwing it at Bella childishly. 

"You did not just do that," Bella warned. 

"I did too," Ellie remarked just as a pillow that Bella had thrown hit the brunette square across the face. "You are so on, Isabella." Ellie challenged before smacking Bella once more with the nearest pillow.

The moment of innocent, childish joy allowed both teenagers to forget everything outside of the walls of Bella's bedroom even if it was only for a moment. Bella's open suitcase and the clothes she had laid out to pack in it were quickly forgotten, quickly strewn about and trampled on, as the two girls ran around the room, picking up thrown cushions and using them as their next round of ammunition. In that exact moment, there was more to life than vampire boyfriends, senior year, redheaded vampires coming back to seek revenge or age old feuds between supernatural beings. It was a small pure moment that left Ellie with a wide grin on her face as she called for an armistice. 

"Okay, time out." Ellie started, holding her hands up. "Not only is your room and packing efforts being completely destroyed but I need to stop before I pass out and potentially injure myself on your various parts of particularly pointy furniture." Ellie joked. 

Bella placed the pillow down that she was holding with a laugh, looking towards her best friend with a grin that lit up her face. 

"Don't think I've ever seen you grin at Eddy boy that way." Ellie joked, flopping onto Bella's bed. 

"You don't know that." Bella defended. 

"Call it a lucky guess then," Ellie remarked. "Pass me one of those pillows will you?" Ellie asked, catching the pillow Bella threw at her and throwing it behind her head. "Thanks. I'm going to fall asleep now, so I can ignore those few ridiculous clothing choices you are making." 

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