Chapter Seventeen

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For Eleanora Hadley sharing a house with her brother once more was slowly becoming more and more unbearable. Although she had assumed that similar with other siblings who went off to college then returned, the dynamic would have shifted slightly. But most siblings weren't the Hadley siblings just as they weren't like most siblings. 

Maybe it was that Ellie had finally gotten used to life without having to pick up after her brother all the time, having enough responsibility and maturity for both of them. But at the end of the day, her brother moving out and leaving the Hadley women without another word on top of his still terrible treatment of them, some things could never be 100% forgiven. 

With her forest privileges even further docked due to the 'animal attacks' that were occurring around Forks, Ellie had never felt more trapped. As she had promised Charlie, she no longer went into the forest alone, Jasper meeting her at the outskirts and accompanying her in. He didn't want her to get hurt either but understood the increased need for her to escape from her house from time to time. So, Ellie was left with limited chances to escape, making sure that both her Mum was at work and Elijah was too absorbed in whatever strange things he was attempting to do, to pay attention to his little sister slipping out of the house unguarded. 

"Don't forget that I'm going to Phoenix next week for a conference." Allison Hadley informed the siblings as Ellie placed one foot into the kitchen, retreating from the overwhelming pile of homework on top of her desk in the search for a glass of water. 

Since her breakdown a few days prior, Ellie was feeling a little more put together and prepared to tackle her studies the best she could.  Her studies and classes, in general, were still the largest negative part of her life but her outlook was starting to change with them a little bit. Jasper had, of course, offered to tutor her on top of doing anything else she needed, meeting his promise but Ellie had declined. He had said himself that he and his family weren't always going to be around and Ellie had wanted to give it her best, solo try before resulting to outside help. 

"Of course, we didn't forget. Isn't that right, Nora?" Elijah lied smoothly, turning to his younger sister with a smirk. 

"Well, I didn't forget. Really can't say the same for this one though." Ellie retorted with a raised eyebrow, walking over and ruffling Elijah's hair to which he sent her a disgruntled look. 

"Also Elijah considering you are currently an active member of this household. I expect that you will look out for your sister while I'm gone." Allison added, sending a sharp look in her son's way when he attempted to disagree. 

"I don't need babysitting!" Ellie protested. 

"Says the girl who literally had a breakdown over schoolwork the other day, weak." Elijah returned. 

Apricity | Jasper HaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora