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Elisas pov:
I have been watching Raphael playing with my sweet baby still on the floor. Of course he had right away realized that I got back, he after all is a vampire. But since he obviously was enjoying himself I let them go on with their play. That's when I suddenly feel an immense pain on my side. My eyes bulging and i was nearly not able to hold in my wail Of pain, but luckily I could since I wouldn't of liked for my baby to worry for me. Raphael also has seen my pain filled eyes and softly kisses my baby's forehead before telling her he was going to get something to drink for her so he can hurry to my side without making her any wiser. His strong hands grab my waist and sits me on the couch with worried eyes.
„what is going on?" he whispers to not alert the toddler still playing not too far away from us.
„Something has to be wrong with Magnus. Please keep her safe while I see what happened to him." I plead with panic slowly rising within me. Not even waiting for his reply before I open a portal to get to my brother that seems to be in deep trouble right about now. My eyes right away land on my brother laying on the floor, Valentine standing above him with a sinister smile on his face. Well, that surely isn't going to work I think and lift my arm up in the air to freeze him up. How dare him to try to hurt and kill my brother! And when I remember that he has done the same to my sweet baby girl my furry gets even more. Throwing both of my hands up in the air, making the whole fighting around me stop, since the whole circle members are now frozen.
„How dare you!" I dangerously growl towards a wide eyed Valentin. Of course I made sure he can see and feel everything around him. After all he had done to my people, my daughter and my brother i am going to enjoy torturing him and showing him how weak he and his followers truly are.
„You are going to regret everything you have put my people through!" I promise him and smirk at his frightened face. Loving to see him finally realizing how deep he has shoved his own grave.
„And after what you did to MY baby! I will thoroughly enjoy making you pay!" I whisper dangerously into his ear and see how he try's to get loose out of my hold, but I simply laugh darkly at his weakness.
„You can struggle as much as you like. Won't help you in any way or form." I say with a murderous spark in my eyes.
„But first, let me get reed of the rest of the garbage." I say conversational and see him swallow heavily. Well, he obviously should of thought about what he was doing beforehand. Curling my fingers in a tight grip which cuts off all their airwaves. When he sees one after the other of his members fall to the floor before catching fire he once again try's to get loos of my hold. For now ignoring his weak try to free himself to instead kneel down next to Magnus opposite of where Alec is holding onto my brothers hands in hopes to sooth him and help the best he can.
„Let me help you out a bit." I softly say before letting my magic flow through his body and healing him all up again. Hearing the relieved sigh from alec makes me smile softly since it really shows me how much he truly cares for my brother.
„Well, since that's now out of the way. Let's get back to the fun part shall we!?" I ask with a bright smile which gets me a smirk back from my brother since he just like myself hates Valentine with a passion.
„Would you like to have a go first? I think you deserve to start. You are older and have dealt more with him already." I say matter of factly. Magnus smirk widens even more at the prospective of finally showing that idiot how we punish people like him.
„That's really generous of you!" he says and stands up. With long and powerful strides he walks up to a now trembling Valentine.
„Thank you! I was really afraid I would loose him!" alec thanks me with wet eyes and hugs me tightly. Slightly surprised at his show of affection, I however quickly overcome the shock to instead embrace the comfortable hug.
„You are very welcome." i answer and pull slightly back again. Looking slightly around the room only to scowl a little at the absence of jace. As if alec right away realized who I am looking for he pulls me into his chest yet again.
„He and Clary went off to search for Jocelyn. Why don't you stay with your brother while I go and look for them?" he whispers soothingly in my ear and I can't say how grateful I am for him right now. His simple offer to go to look for them is more than I am used to getting treated from others.
„Please? That would really mean a lot to me." I softly reply with tears burning in my eyes, which I quickly blink away. Not liking for anyone to see me like that. It would only show them that I am more weak than they may think. Alec simply squeezes my hand before running off to look for his pair of a tie and Clary. Taking one more deep breath before turning back to a now bloody and wailing Valentin.
„Well, seems like the both of you have started to get to know one another a bit better!" I conversationally say and see Valentine flinch even more. Holding open my arm to make my knife appear for him to see.
„Well, your worst mistake was for hurting my daughter. That's something I won't overlook." I state matter of factly.
„Not That i would of allowed your harassment on my people." I add still rather calmly. Magnus simply makes a small step back to let me have my way with this lowlife.
„If I remember correctly and I sure as hell do, than my sweet baby had a really bad cut exact here." I voice and cut straight across his stomach. His loud scream only puts a satisfied smile on my face, serves him right!
„She also had one here." I say walking around his form and make four large cuts down his back and one rather deep one across his right waist. His scream once again Echos around the room.
„Big Bad Valentin screaming like that while doing the same things to a small five year old girl." I state mockingly.
„That's enough! You had your fun, now hand the suspect over to us." a clave woman states with hatred in her eyes while Maryse looks apologetic towards me.
„The suspect!?" magnus asks incredulously. The heck is wrong with those clave people!?
„Exactly! Now step back and hand him over before I make." she instructs before she starts to gasp for some air. My hand has curled in the air to make her shut up.
„You would be wise to shut up and move away from him before I add you to his side. He simply is not yours to take! You and your people haven't caught him and you never even tried. So if you like to live on you better get moving." I threateningly say and smirk at her wide eyed panic.
„Funny how all you shadowhunters always think you are so much more important because you have angel blood. So it is a tremendous pleasure to inform you that you are more human than angel and even less angel than I am." I say still squeezing her airways which slowly makes her face turn paler. A white sheen slowly creeps around Magnus and me and I right away know that my brother has put a protective shield around us just to make sure nothing will happen to either of us.
„I am sure she hasn't meant what she said. Or at least she didn't knew better." Maryse tries to smoothen out the situation and for the benefit of doubt I let her go. Her gasping only makes me roll my eyes at her dramatic acting. It's not like I squeezed that tightly.
„You will regret that!" she caughs out mich to my amusement.
„You sure as hell are in no place to threaten us! So, IF, you really try to go after either of us, we are going to make sure to remove every little help or assistance we ever handed out to ANY shadowhunter. Maybe you also remember the contract you all signed!" Magnus states with a dismissive tone, already knowing that he has won this argument rather easy.

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