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  My eyes opened in a room full with so much light, I rather kept my eyes shut. Everything is blurry and fogged up when I appear around my surroundings. The room was bright white and lights were everywhere. There was one window and there is a bed(which is white) and a desk(which is also white) in the corner of the room. I sit up and try to get off the bed but one of my arms are handcuffed to the bed post. I sigh. It was probably early in the morning by what I see out the window.


  The door opens, and it the suddenness frightens me. I look towards the door, expecting the worse but it is only just Tracey. I roll my eyes and an angry expression glows on my face. She doesn't get very close. I couldn't reach er if I tried. "Lana, well I brought you some food." She says. I don't say anything. "I hope you will eat it. I fixed it just for you. I'm not supposed to cook you meals at all." She says. I look away. She brings a table on the side of the bed and puts the plate on the table. "Please eat, for your little cousins at least." She says. Her voice sounded different, like she was hiding something. A threat maybe. I didn't want to eat but I had no choice. I wasn't going to let them hurt the twins. I wasn't going to loose anyone else. I already lost Tara probably. She ran off, and not to be found. She could be hurt or dead for all I know. I know its my fault. I will have to live with that.

As soon as I was done eating, I layed back down. I stared at the bright ceiling, thinking of everything that has happened. It had been a month since I seen the twins. I wonder of they miss me? If they even notice I'm gone? A knock on the door, yanks me out of my thoughts. Joey comes in. I don't show any anger towards him. He didn't do anything, not really anyway. "Hey." He says, gently. "Hi." I say, calmly. "I just thought you should know we are getting married Thursday." He says. I freeze. "Today's Monday." I reply. "Yes?" He asks. He looks confused. "That's a few days from now." I state. "Yes." He replies. "But I barely know you." I tell him, trying not to panic. "I thought... Maybe we could get to know each other now." He says, as he gets closer and holds my hand. I let him only because I'm to tired to fight. "Okay." I say, sighing. He frowns. "I'm sorry that this is so soon. I would've waited at least another month but your uncle insists." He explains. "Its always him." I tell him. My voice sounded with so much disgusts it was like spitting poision. He then sits me up and hugs me. I don't return the hug, because my hand is handcuffed to the bed anyway. "You'll be fine soon." He says. I try not to puke. Anger flashes. "Stop." I simply say. He stops hugging me, and looks at me. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Stop touching me." I reply. His face shows hurt. "I'm s-sorry. I just thought. I just want you to be okay." He says with so much hurt. I kind of felt bad. It isn't his fault, he fallen in love with me because of my uncle's doing not because really wants to. He probably don't even love me or like me just tricked into thinking so.

"Do I look okay?" I ask. It sounded more harsh than I planned it to be. He shakes his head and gets up and walks out. I turn over on my side and close my eyes. I begin to think when I was with my aunt and uncle and two twin cousins. I begin to dream of them. I wished to stay this way forever but then suddenly a loud sound wakes me up.

Tara's POV

I woke up early in the morning. I decided to keep walking further away from my house so I could find someone to get help for not only me but Lana as well. If Lana wasn't awake last night and didn't hear anything outside I would have been dead by now. Thanks to me now Lana is dead. Because I kept running. I deserved to be dead.

I had a happy childhood, the only one I could hang out with was my brother. Lana occasionally. My parents acted pretty normal around me but sometimes I  would walk in with them talking about strange things that at the time I didn't understand. It was mostly about Lana. I should've known they'd get her eventually. I just wasn't expecting it at all. My dad was going to make Joey marry me and I actually do have feelings for him. He never even gave me a second glance. I dont really see much of a difference between me and Lana. We look nearly the same. I always was jealous of her. There was always something prettier about her. But since I found out she is my sister, I have a need to protect her. I trip over a branch which snatches me out of my thoughts. I begin to feel excruciating pain through my ankle. I look at my ankle in pain. I wince at the touch. It was bleeding deeply. I limp my way through the neverending woods.The blood got heavy and I took my jacket off and wrapped it around my ankle for pressure. It was freezing, at least I was wearing a long sleeve too. I begin to walk slower and slower and eventually the pain worsened so I fell to the ground and began to cry. I cried for what seemed forever but then I heard footsteps. I froze.

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