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The twins continued to jump and screaming my name. You can definitely tell I'm not a morning person. I sit up and my facial expression is not the nicest. Annabel stops jumping and runs out of the room. Allison stops jumping and sits. "Lana, why the sour face!?" She asks. "Allison I'm up now, can you leave so I can get ready in peace?" I asks in frustration. Allison leaves without saying one word. I get out of my bed and head to the bathroom which is across the hall from my room. I brush my hair and then go downstairs.

   I enter the kitchen and sit down at the table. My aunt is making breakfast as she looks at me. "Lana how you feeling?" She asks. "I'm fine." I reply. My aunt doesn't say anything after and just puts the pancakes on each of our plates. We all eat in silence. As soon as I am finished I go to my piano. I play the piano and forget everything else around me. I just listen to each note of the song and all my other thoughts vanish.

I hear someone come up behind me and I turn around to see Annabel. She sits beside me on the piano bench and watches me play. She then looks at me and I stop playing. "What is it?" I ask.  She looks down at the piano and begins to play the song I previously was playing. The one I created on my own. I watched in awe as she played each note perfectly and the timing exactly as I played. When she finished and looked back up at me, she smiled. "Annabel where did you - how did you learn to play this?" I ask. "I watch you and I learn. " she says. Her voice is quiet, and shy. I never heard her talk not without Allison anyways. "That's great! That means your a visual learner and can play by ear." I tell her. She smiles and does a little giggle.

"I can play chopsticks too." She says. "Oh really?" I asks. She smiles and nods. "Can we play it?" She asks, excitement glistening in her eyes. "Sure." I tell her. I begin to play and then she begins to a few seconds after. She was very talented. Some how she took after me. As we finished, Allison came up beside me. "Annabel can play?" She asked. I nodded. "She's very good." I say. Annabel giggles. "I don't want to play the boring piano anyways." Allison says, envy shown all over her face. "Allison you are great at singing.",I tell her. "So is Annabel, is there anything I am only good at?" She asks. "You draw better." Annabel says, quietly. Pride shows through Allisons eyes. "Your right." Allison says.


Allison and Annabel leave the room to go draw. I go to my room and I check my phone. I had three texts from my friend, Josie.
Josie: do ya wanna come?
Me: be there in a sec Jo.

I go downstairs and find my aunt in her room on her balcony. She was painting the forest behind our house. "Josie wants me to come, I'll be back before dark." I say. "Mhm." My aunt says. I go out into the drive way and begin to walk down the street to Josie's house.  I lived in a neighborhood and Josie lived down the block. I met her when I moved in with my aunt. 12 years ago.

I just moved in with my aunt . Some one knocked on the door and my aunt answered. It was a lady who was around my aunts age and a girl around my age. My aunt greeted them and offered them to come in. The lady smiled and went into the kitchen with my aunt.
The girl stood in front of me, analyzing me. "Hi I'm Josie." She says, with a smile. "I'm Lana." I reply. Her black hair went a little passed her shoulders and her blue eyes with a hint of grey sparkled. I thought she was the prettiest girl I ever saw. She looked almost not real. My brown hair and green eyes looked plain and ugly compared to her. "How old are you Lana?" She asked.  "I'm 4." I told her. "I'm 6." She said. My eyes widened. "Your big."  I said. "You bet I am. Hey why you living with your aunt?" She asks. My smile faded and  tears were threatening to pour out of my eyes. The memories of a week ago, the day after Christmas was clear in my mind. I didn't reply to her. Her smile faded too. "Oh..not good." She said. She then hugged me. "Lana I'm going to be your big sister. Okay?" She asked. I nodded. "Friends?" She asks, sticking her hand out towards me. I give a small smile and shake her hand. "Friends." I reply.


Ever since she had stuck to her word. She always acted like a best friend, big sister. She was always there for me. She knows all my secrets and I know hers. I didn't tell her what happened to my parents till maybe when I was ten. I knock on the door and Josie's mom answers the door. "Hi Lana!" She says. I smile. "Hi!" I reply. "She's in her room." Her mom says. I walk down her hall and into Josie's room. I always envied her room. Her room was a blue and her white king sized bed with bright lights going around the walls and canvases of the art she created on her walls was always fascinating. When I appeared in her room, she was nowhere to be found. I hear a faint whimper and open her closet. I see Josie, curled up in a ball and she is crying. "Josie?" I ask.

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