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Authors Note: Hi everyone! Well I'm on chapter ten so far! :) I'm trying to make my chapters longer, I hope they are Much better than my other books. Well enjoy! Comment, vote please 


I was in Taras room, looking at the picture of me and my mom. My grandma gave me a frame for it and I put it on the bed side table. I was trying to see any of hints of sadness or not normalness in her smile or in her eyes but she seemed so happy and like her life was just perfect just as I thought it was. I wondered to myself who was the man that killed them, and where was he now? How could he even live with himself? If I killed someone I would be so guilty and I don't even know. I can't even think of it. Its unbelievably cruel and heartless. Especially if someone was innocent. Or was they?

  What if my parents weren't as innocent as I thought? What if they were criminals? My parents didn't seem that way, not that I know of. I really didn't know them well. I was only four when they died. I didn't notice much back then. No four year old does.  It was odd. Why would that man want me, their daughter? Nothing seemed to click. Everything was so confusing. He did hit me and I went into a coma for several months. The doctor said that would have been better for my recovery. If I was not conscious. He said when I woke, i would not remember anything from my past and wouldn't ever again. When i woke, I really didn't remember anything not even my name. It was one of the worse times ever. I was five when I woke from the coma. My birthday had already passed. I didn't remember anything till I was seven. One day, all the memories of that day rushed back. I don't remember much of anything besides that day. Yet I was only four so It wasn't likely any one would remember things clearly at that age anyway.

Tara walked in, and snatched me away from my thoughts. "Is that aunt Charlotte?" She ask staring at the picture. "Yes its my mom." I tell her. "She looks just like you." She says. "Everyone says that." I tell her. "Is that you who she is holding?" She asks. "Yes." I say. "You look like... Me?" Tara says, in confusion. "What?" I ask. She walks over to her closet and takes out a picture of her and her mom. "Look at me and look at you." Tara says. "I compare us and see that we looked exactly alike. My eyes widen. "Wow." I say. A few seconds later, Tara mentions what she was saying on the balcony this morning. "I was saying Shawn and my dad say that because well Shawn hates new people coming around. My dad said that because your not- before she could finish, my uncle came walking in. Great way to ruin the moment. "Tara come with me. Now." He says. He grabs her wrists and walks her out. Fear is planted on her face. I sit still on my bed. I'm not what? I knew that this place, these people were creepy. Fear runs through my veins. I'm not going to be in the dark anymore. I'm going to figure this all out.

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