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The warm, yellow light coming through the crack in the curtain caused me to awake with a grumble. I moved to roll over when I was stopped by the weight pressing onto my shoulder and around my waist, turning my head ever so slightly, I was met by Bubba's dozing face. 

His eyes were shut and his face was perfectly peaceful as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Glancing down, I could see his toned arm curled protectively around my waist. As sweet as it was- and it really fucking was, my bladder was demanding attention. 

I tried rolling out of his grip but that only caused his hold to tighten instinctively. I tried everything, but nothing would move him. I was trying to crawl upwards out of his grip when I heard a sleepy grumbled erupt from behind me.

" R-Rubin?  what?"

God his sleep riddled voice was adorable! Shyly glancing over my shoulder, I sent him a smile.

" Trying to escape your death grip sweetie" I said with a yawn, this caused a laugh to rumble through his chest. However instead of letting me go, he pulled me impossibly closer.

" Bubba!" I squealed and giggled, hearing Thomas groan from behind Bubba just made me laugh abit more.

" Shh...warmm" Bubba said slightly slurring his words, he sounded as if he was about to fall straight back to sleep but I really couldn't let that happen.

This time instead of pulling away from Bubba I turned into his embrace.
He hummed in approval, content with our positron as he continued to doze.

" Bubba babe, this is really sweet and all but I need to get up" I said with a whine at the end, he must have sensed the desperation in my tone because he began to loosen his grip on my waist.

" We can cuddle more later if you'd like to?" I asked, he kept his eyes closed, appearing nonchalant but i could see a blush crept its way onto his cheeks from under his mask, staining them pink. Smiling at his unbelievable adorableness, I mumbled a love you before quick walking to the bathroom.

I'd barely opened the door when Bubba outstretched his arms towards me, I laughed softy at his neediness when he was sleepy.

" I'm coming, calm down" I said as a grin pulled at the corners of his mouth when he cuddled me as soon as I got back in the bed. 

He kept his eyes shut as I admired him in the soft light of the morning. The dark circles under his eyes had faded, leaving his marble slightly tanned skin flawless, his masks dark hair was ruffled into an adorable mess that fell softly onto his forehead. My eyes continued to explore his face before he pulled me out of my trance.

"S-Starin'" Bubba muttered as he smiled at me 

" You held me hostage in bed when I really had to pee so, its only fair if i get to stare at your cute face some" I said with a huff as our laughter erupted around the room, it was impossible not to join in when he laughed like that.

" I had to go toilet, I'm sorry, maybe you can make it up to me by taking me on a date?" I asked, my words were confident and humorous to begin with but as I continued they trailed off into an anxious question. 

A blush stained my cheeks as he stared at me through his lashes. He smiled at me and nodded with a giggle, i silently cheered and pressed a few kisses to his cheeks.

" I love you you know" I said as i tapped his masked cheek, he smiled wider at me and pressed a sloppy kiss to my lips.

" I-i Lub you t-ooo" Bubba said, i smiled brightly and gave him a cheaky wink

" Oh really? and how much do you really love me?" I asked playfully, I struggled to keep a serious expression on my face as he pretended to contemplate what to answer.

" A lot?" I asked, he nodded quickly.

" Of course, my mistake. I meant a whole lot more than i love you?" I asked, he nodded so quickly that i thought his mask would fall off.

A laugh bubble through my mouth as I nodded my head, causing a grin to form on his face.

" I love you more than you love me though" I said as i was sadly unable to control my giggles, I loved seeing such a playful side of Bubba.

" N-No!" Bubba said squealing softly

" Ah, well there's only one thing we can do to settle this disagreement" I said giving him a smirk, Bubba tilted his head at me.

" A kiss" I said, my voice was scarcely above a whisper as I slowly moved his face towards mine. 

I gently smiled at him before our lips connected. It was lazy, tender and absolutely perfect. We broke the kiss smiling, before lying back down. I nuzzled into his chest, taking in his comforting scent. Before either of us knew it, we'd nearly fallen back to sleep, in each other's arms. That was until a certain Thomas Hewitt got out of the bed, i rolled my eyes as he starred down at us and motioned towards the door.

" Your such a fucking party pooper" I grumbled and reluctantly got out of Bubbas arms and out of bed, i slipped on a different top, brushed my teeth and left with Bubba following behind me with Thomas..

..I giggled for a solid minute before casting a look over in the direction of the kitchen seeing Bubba standing beside Thomas, they seemed to be looking through some papers or what not.

I whistled loudly, that caught there attention!

I waved with my arm high above my head " Darling's! it's really muggy out today." I said loud enough for them to hear, grinning like a mad man i might add.

Monty rolled into view and shook his head with a sigh " If I go outside and all our mugs are on the front lawn I'm hurting you." He said as Thomas furrowed his brows

I bit my tongue and sat back down at the table before sipping my coffee from my bowl

I sat on the counter leaning against the fridge as i continued to scroll through the cook book, i heard someone walk through the kitchen doors and peered over the book seeing Hoty roll his eyes absentmindedly as he uncrossed his arms and grabbed a cup from under the counter before looking over at me.

" kid, can you give me the soy milk?" Hoty asked, i gained a devious idea and went back to my book pretending that i didnt hear him.

Hoty took in a deep breath glaring at me " Bitch! Soy milk!"

I felt giddy as i sat up right and waved " Hola milk! Soy Robin!" 

Bubba Sawyer x Reader x Thomas Hewittحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن